Big problems with the previous ( and the update version ( 
Auteur : Peter L.
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I have been developping several websites during the last ten years and always used Dreamweaver whitout problems. However, this package didn't have the modern functionality of today, so I decided to try Website X5. Take a seat, because this is what happened:
Started with installing version
- Developped my first X5 website: see
- The first thing I encountered was that the topframe with the title bar is scrolling off the screen. The main menus are moving up too, but don't go off the screen. I tried to limit the text box heights and use a scroll bar, but that isn't always possible. For instance, when there are a lot of page menus.
- For many pages I used the tabs construction whith the tabs on the left side to create a kind of page menu's. This is mainly for conveniant horizontal scrolling.
- When changing something in one of these tabs (mostly in the main menu "Wat doen wij?", but also in the main menu "Bijzondere verhalen"), it often happens that another tab of that page lost: just an empty tab whith a table from 2 rows and 3 columns remains. It's not alway the case.
- I lost the tab "Introductie" in this main menu several times and had to re-enter it completely. This is quite a job, because all the links have to be defined too. The X5 backup didn't help and restoring the complete external backup (synced directory) didn't help too.
- Somehow files and pictures are renamed quite often and they get an alpha-nummerical extension. This leads to a lot of trash on the host, because the next time these extensions can be changed again by X5 and exceeding the site limits (the old file are not removed).
Updated to revision
- It takes approx. 10 minutes for the libraries to load and update and another 15 minutes the main window is opened.
- When the page editor is started, it takes approx. 7 minutes before the contents is shown.
- Lost another four pages in the same table ("Wat doen wij").
- The preview from within Website X5 doesn't work anymore. The timer in the centre keeps running endlessly, even after the loading bar has finished after a few seconds. When swiching over from this empty window to Internet Explorer, it's OK.
Uninstalled Website X5 completely.
Downloaded the latest version from the website and installed it again.
- Same problems, nothing changed...
- Additonally, no contents is shown anymore in the page editor from whatever page, except from a totally self-written HTML-code page.
Uninstalled Website X5 completely.
Installed version again.
- Loading the main windows now takes approx. 90 seconds.
- Working on the project is now impossible, because "it is created with version". And I didn't change anithing at all!
- Reloaded the complete project backup from the synced directory and guess what: "An error occurred while loading the project".
- Anyway, I can't and don't dare upload my changes now to the website, so for the time being, I leave it as it is. I'm totally stuck whith X5 at the moment...
Should I switch back to Dreamweaver now? Please help me!
Peter Langendijk
Posté le
Hello Peter,
If you open a project with a more updated version this one can no longer be opened with a older update. You can use the backup button in the project selection list after you selected the project to load the previous backup which works with the older update.
After an update it can take longer until the project is opened since all files needs to recreated again to include all the fixes from the updates. Once it has been loaded and recreated with the latest update then it will load normally.
Working with an older update can contain bugs which has been fixed with the latest update and will no longer happen.
As I see in the website you added custom HTML code in the project but this code is not correct since it contains a body tag inside the general body tag already added by the program. There is also a head tag inside the body. You need to take the single parts and add these in the page properties in step 2 in the extpert tab by selecting the code for the HEAd which needs to be added in the section "Beofre closing the HEAD tag" and then the rest, between <body> and </body>, in the HTML code object without using <body> and </body> since the program already adds them.
Many thanks!