File organization for Photo Galleries 
Auteur : Johnny UpsidedownI am using the demo version of Website X5 Evolution 11...
I have many thousands of photos in about 10 different folders. When building pages I notice that photos that I add to a pages gallery. The photos all get stored in one large folder. Is there a way to organize the photos in seprate folders when adding photos to a page. I cant have all photos stored in one large gallery. I need them stored in different folders. I have many photos named the same but are in different folders.
How do you organize the gallery folder so that I can have seperate folders for various sets of files. And how do you tell it which folder to store the files in.
Lets say I have a folder of photos, call it trips... Inside trips there are folders for each year of trips like 2000, 2001 and so on. When I build a page called trips 2000. How can I make sure that photos I put on that pages galliers will be stored on the server in a folder called trips with a sub folder of 2000.
I do not want all my photos just put in one large folder as I have to many to keep track of and to many files will be overwritten due to same name.
Since I have the demo version I can not use the export function to see how it organizes things. I am just looking in the preview folder and going by what I am seeing how the photos and files are stored. Maybe there are settings on the export page process but wanted to ask before I buy the software.
Hello Johnny,
In short, no, even the full version of WebSite X5 does not permit uploading images into individual directories.
As a workaround you could upload images into the folders of your choice on the server using an FTP client such as FileZilla:
You could then set links to the images within WebSite X5, as opposed to including the images as part of WebSite X5's internal project library.
I encourage you to open an 'Idea' post... perhaps the developers will take your request into consideration when releasing new versions of the software.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the reply but unfortunatly linking to an existing file on my server. Websitex5 still creates tumbnails and hence all files get stuck in one folder.
If I was able to put my photos in specific galleries folders this software would work great for me. But as is I will not be purchasing the software. In my website I have over 550 pages with over 12000 photos that have to be organized and catorgarized. I simply cannot have 12000 photos with 12000 tumbnails all in one folder.
My site is very dated and am trying to find some software to update along with galleries on pages instead of photo links as I currently have. Shame this software is nice and easy to use.
there are some open source gallery's that you can use for this type of feature but it will require you to add custom code, if you search google for jQuery gallery's, I can help you integrate it into website x5.
... Sorry, I do not speak English, and I hope to make myself understood; (Translated by Google)...
... As IDEA, the best method, lightweight, and easy to manage, and that would prevent problems in the project overall, would be the method of product-sites, or sub-directory ...
... A subdirectory for each section; for example: /london, /paris, /rome, ... /cities, /flowers, /mountains, /sea, ... /white_black, /hdr, ...etc ... ... . .
... Each directory included as menu item NEW LEVEL to assign its CONNECTION ...
... My old basic examples:
... For a concrete idea LINK made by one of our member, Alberto, with 46 sub-sites/directory, here:
... I hope it is understood, and once you understand and with a minimum of savoir faire become very simple and it will avoid many problems in the future ... (thanks Google)
hello to all (and sorry if I interfered)
... come IDEA, il metodo migliore, leggero, e semplice da gestire, e che eviterebbe problemi al progetto generale, sarebbe il metodo dei dotto-siti, o sotto-directory...
... una sotto-directory per ogni sezione; per esempio: /londra, /parigi, /roma, ... /altre_città, /fiori, /montagne, /mare, ... /bianco_nero, /hdr, eccetera ... .. . . .
... ogni directory inserita come voce del menu NUOVO LIVELLO al quale assegnare il relativo COLLEGAMENTO...
... miei vecchi esempi di base:
... per una idea concreta il LINK realizzato da un nostro utente, Alberto, con 46 sotto-siti/directory, qui:
... spero che si sia capito, ed una volta capito e con un minimo di savoir faire diventerà semplicissimo e si eviterebbero tanti problemi in futuro... (grazie Google)
... ciao a tutti (e scusate se mi sono intromesso)
Thanks for the ideas. I have tried a couple of different gallery makers. The point is for me that I am looking for one piece of software that does it all instead of adding this or moving code, using 2 or 3 different software to build my site. I can use the gallery software from another company on my current site build software but its the fact of moving code using 2 software packages.
Just want one software that does it all..
Anyway thanks again for the input everybody.
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