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Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

Evolution 8 won't work in windows 10?  en

Auteur : Bjorn B.
Visité 1652, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: evolution

i know you officially don't give support to a Evolution 8 user any more. but why would the preview stop working on windows 10, yeah you read it correct, the program "as far as i can tell" works fine in windows 10 except for wen you try to "preview" your site! then it all goes to sh!t "sorry for the expression" i know i'm long over-due to upgrade to a newer version of website x5 but i use the software for personal use only and not that many come to my web site anyways, and frankly the new versions cost to much!

so could you take a look into what the problem is, maybe its something that win10 runs that's screwed with your program who the F knows. please fix it, i really can't buy a new version even if i wished it. just not happening not for the amount of times i use it.

Oh before i forget and get the same reply's, no its not a hacked or cracked version, its registerd and no the preview does not give weird stuff it just don't work at all and freezes the program! meaning i need to force close it. and i won't make it public either cos you know they gonna bitch about "no support move on" type of stuff, seriously back in the days buying software meant a long and lifetime support, i gues them days are over eh! now its all about the money and who cares about the users eh, making as much versions so they need to buy new software over and over and over. really hope your company ain't that corrupted yet. fingers crossed.

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Stefano G.

Hi Bjorn.

Just like you said, we don't officially give support for Evolution 8.

I'd also like to point out that yes, Evolution 8 is officially supported by Windows 10, and is fully working, so the issue is strictly connected to your own computer settings.

That being said I'd like to suggest two things:

1- Set the post to public. Other users might help you solve your issue as they might still be using your same version.

2- I anyway recommend that you try and uninstall every framework version you got since 2.0, to 2.5, 3.0 ,3.5 and 4.0, since that happened to be the cause to most problems for users who went for a clean install of WIndows 10.

Hope I've been useful

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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

it seems that i don't have any frame work installed at all! that or i can't find it in win10 installed app list.

also may i point out that the preview actually is working BUT it just takes like over 5mins before it actually is showing up?! i found that out after many tests and left it running untill windowns wanted to close it by it self, that never happent but insted the preview pops open after like 5+ minutes. does that even make any sens to you guys?

no other software has "lag" like that its just website x5, and yeah kinda guessed it would be a problem on my end, but what that's the million dollar question. i did install a trial version of evolution 11 to see what's changed and so on, you know scouting out if it was worth the money "no offence". it should be uninstalled that trial version but could that be my problem?! its being, i did a clean install of evolution 8 and the result is still the same, program works fine untill i use the site preview option then it all goes to hell and takes like for ever to work, weird. k i'll open this to the public but i'll probably get alot of flack.

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Posté le de Bjorn B.
Stefano G.

Hi Bjorn,

.NET Framework won't show in your applist. Anyway I suggest that you try and do the reinstall I already suggested you to and see what the result is

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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

reinstall of what? the frame work? cos by now i'v reinstalled website x5 evolution 8 like 5 times all with the same results. i'm at a loss here windows 10 is new "for most of us" and really don't know yet what service that is foking things up, cos it is windows10 i'm sure of that, it resetted my vid drivers in the last windows updater... really anoiying not even sure why windows want to install old driver who clearly give problems for my card... anyways, drivers keep resetting like there is not stoping it. if this keeps up then i'll just go back to the old Win8.1 seriously what the hell was microsoft thinking with there update system. anyways walking of path here sorry. so yeah i'v reinstalled the program a couple of times now, and the framwork drivers keep telling me there is same or new version on here, and can't find where to bloody uninstall them first... and in the grand-picture of it all i really don't think they are at fault cos all the other stuff that is using them works just great! must be a service down the line of blocking somthing of website x5 evo 8.

seems i'm doomed with computers not one PC in my entire life worked like it should have, i'm curst to get the bugs no-one els gets and that are impossible to fix/find

i'm happy you even talk to me, impressed even, most of you would just toss it in the bin and forget about it. so for that thanks.

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Posté le de Bjorn B.
Stefano G.
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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

i have a small question before i embark on this quest of cleaning the framworks! so its my understanding that with every higher number of framework .net they include the lower number of framework files yes? meaning if you for example need the framework 2.0 and you have ONLY 4.6 installed you should be good right cos 4.6 is newer and so has all the files 2.0 should have? or does this not work like that and you need every version of the frameworks, like 2.0 and 4.5 and 4.6 and so on? really hope you understand what i mean here.

cos at quick glans here on my system it seems i don't have a version lower then 4.5 and can't install 2.0 cos it said there is a newer on here already.

side note, the program seems to work ok if i give it the time to do so, i mean if i ignore the error that windows gives me "this program is not responsive" and wait for it then the web viewer comes open and works like it should and as long as i keep it open it works OK, but wen i close it and re-open the vieuwer then it takes for ever to come open again, but in the end it works but takes really really long. does this make any sens to you guys? also very rarely it complains it can't open the internet brouwser and crashes the program, but this only happent twice so far. i have Google Chrome in case you wonder, and yes i'v tryed to set Edge and or Internet explorror as standard on my system with the same results & effects. and i must say its the only software on the system that acts like that. as far as i can tell its the "preview function" that is doing weird stuff the rest of the program works as intended "again as far as i can tell".

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Posté le de Bjorn B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Bjorn,

As regards .NET you need all the frameworks, and you need to install them strictly in order of oldest to most recent (i.e. 2 to 4)

They are different technologies...  the later versions do not incorporate the older ones.

Kind regards,


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Posté le de Paul M.
Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

ah i see, was afraid of this :/ duno why my system don't have the 2.0, weird, well then i know what i can do now. the clean tool said that i won't uninstall or clean 4.6 cos its build into win10, now a second problem came up, i can't install all the others... cos it will say that there is a newer version on the system right.

i'll have to do some research on how to "safly" remove and reinstall it all, really em not looking forward to a system fail and total re-install of windows 10, so if i can't find a safe and better way to find out if the framework is at fault here, think i'll let this one go, and not use website X5 for the time being. altho i em using it with out the site preview, i just upload to the domain and look at it there, program works just find if i not use the preview, witch is very odd to me?! if the frameworks .... nah leave it, thanks for the help guys, guess its time for newer and better software, maybe i'll upgrade someday, not using this software to much anyways. usually update my site like once in a month or 3 =D, like i said personal use.

Thanks for the idea's & help though. impressed by the quick respons 2.

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Posté le de Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.
Bjorn B.

Ehm, i'v bought evolution11 & installed that and all works fine now ^^, got an offer for 60% discount on evo11, could not pass on that now can i, and in the end the problem i had with evo8 is fixed, cos 11 works like a charm.

that said, none of my framwork was faulty so evo8 has problems with windows 10, i'v installed 8 on older pc with win8.1 and had no problems what so ever. just saying.

anyways thx for all the help i got even if evo8 did not officially was still suported =D, then again great software always gets rewarded in the end. now to find an uber free template ^^ any suggestions ? 

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Posté le de Bjorn B.