How to insert news feeds on your site 
Auteur : Steinar A.If your site includes news, yoy can easy set en news feed.
First you need to search internet for Free Rss news feed. Try this link and then mark the RSS url link and copy it.
Then go to this link: . When you are there you paste the RSS url there and you can customise it. Colors, speed shoving, etc. After finish, you will see the Script down to the right. Mark all and copy.
The open the site you want ti insert this RSS News feed. Fint the HTML Icon and insert it to your page same way you set in TXT box.
Open the HTML box and paste the script you have copy. Then Prewiev to see the feed how it look like befor you click OK.
Check my site and take a look how it look like on my site. Visit
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