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Marta R.
Marta R.

Help with my Shop Setup  en

Auteur : Marta R.
Visité 2434, Followers 3, Partagé 0  


My question is relating to the way items display on my shop.

At the moment there are no items online as I am just revamping my shop with new products.

So I've been adding them on my project, the way that my web designer setup my page.

There are a couple of issues:

1 - The first one is that she didn't design a Product Catalogue Page, and I am wondering if this is the reason why, although I have different Categories, the products display all together on the items list page.  I have ticked 'display by category' but there's no separation with titles, only they are listed all one after another, one category after another.

What do I need to do to have them appear under each category setting.

2 - Te second issue is that the field for the product description is too small, and we have to scroll to read it all, not a nice way for the customers to read about it.  (see photo attached)

Plus, please see on the attached photo a problem with the postage.  It is not displayed separately from the cost, I have created postal costs, but first, the window in which they appear is white and the writing color yellow, and I cannot find anywhere where to change that.  So unless I click on the arrow, the different postage options cannot be seen.

But the main thing is that the price of the items minus the postage costs don't appear anywhere, the first cost is added to the price, so when someone is looking, they think that the price of the item is the only one that can be seen, with the postage added, which makes them believe that it's actually more expensive.

What do I have to do for the price to show for the item, and then another field for the postage and the total underneath?

I know there are several questions here, but as it's all related I didn't want it all in different posts.

Please see the photo below.

The first 2 items have the postage added in the "Options" section, and you can see how the price has added the postage (left one), and how the postage can only be seen as Australia or International when clicking on the arrow down (top right photo), but instead of the cost, it just offers the choice and when clicking adds it to the total without separation.

On the following row of 2 mugs, I haven't added the postage, so the cost of the mugs appears correctly.

Thank you and kind regards,


Posté le
Claudio D.

Hello Marta,

In the product list object you need to choose on each object which speicifc products or category to show since if you select all these will be all visible in it.

You can create also more pages everyone for a category and then add in each page a product list object and choose the products from the according category you want to show.

About issue 2 you can change the height of the single products displayed in the settings of the product list object by increasing he height in the last tab. I would also suggest you to add a background color and choose a text color. The background of the dropdown list is always white.

The postal cost you add is in reality the field for the options of the product like as example size or color.

The sending costs needs to be added in step 4 ecommerce - shipping type where you can add all the different shipping types and costs so these will be separated from the product price and the customer can choose them during the order procedure.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Marta R.
Marta R.

Hi Claudio!!!

How nice to hear from you again!  I hope you've been well.

Thank you for all this info.  I'm starting to change things according to your instructions.

But there's something that I cannot find.

On your last paragraph you talk about "step 4 ecommerce - shipping type".

I don't have ecommerce on step 4, pls see photo 1.

But I do have 'shipping types' within the shopping cart, which I've setup. See photo 2.

However, I don't know how if I have added them to each item correctly.  I did it in Options within each item - see photo 3.

But this way it's adding the cost directly to each item as I explained on my original post.

Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you so much Claudio!

Kind regards,


damn!  I can only attach 1 photo!

I've set them up together, I hope you can see them, they are in No order as per above.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Marta R.
Barry Maloney
Barry Maloney

Hi Marta,


"Step 4 > Shopping Cart > Order Management > Shipping type".

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Posté le de Barry Maloney
Marta R.
Marta R.

Hi Barry,

Thank you for that.  Yes, as you can see on my photo, I have already added all my shipping types.  

What I don't know is how to then apply them to each item so they appear separately how Claudio explains above, as mine, once there, if I then add them in each item in "Options", the drop down menu does show the 2 postal options (Australia/International), and depending on which one you click it's added to the price.

But it doesn't show on a table, item price + postage = total, it simply changes the price of the item, not showing anywhere the original item cost, the postage cost is added to it and there's no way to see what is what.

I hope this is clear, I had it on my very first photo on the first comment here.

Thank you!


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Posté le de Marta R.
Barry Maloney
Barry Maloney

I don't believe that an itemised cost can be shown at that stage. It can only be displayed in the cart view, when the customer selects the shipping method.

Variable shipping cost may be set by weight or total purchase price. This may be set at "Step 4 > Shopping Cart > Order Management > Shipping type".

Then the itemised cost of goods, postage and merchant fees, will be displayed within the cart.


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Posté le de Barry Maloney
Marta R.
Marta R.

Thank you for your explanation Barry, I really appreciate it.

Unfortunately, this makes the shop pretty useless, as people are prepared to put items in the cart to see the price if it's not setup properly to show it up front, but nobody will imagine, unless they click on different postage options, that the first price they see under the item includes postage, and they will see it as the cost of the item itself, thus not bothering to look any further if it makes it quite expensive.

Oh well, I'll have to forget about all of that and have a direct link to my Etsy shop, otherwise it will just put people off at the first glance.

Why could things not be easier and simpler on this software?!

Thank you again!


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Posté le de Marta R.
Claudio D.

Hello Marta,

The postage cost is separated from the products and you cannot use the options in the product to choose the postage type. Once in the cart, like Barry, explained the customer will see the different posta costs according to the choice of the selected postage method.

The different costs are displayed immediatly in the cart of the different shipping methods. You will be able to add options for different postage according to the weight price of the products and once all is added to the cart it will show the exact price.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.