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Alfredo  C.
Alfredo C.

Text changes are not visible in preview and export  en

Auteur : Alfredo C.
Visité 429, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

I just reinstalled the program. I trying to change some texts on my site. Though changes are saved they are not visible in preview and when exporting the site to disk

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Andre E
Andre E

Try pressing ctrl key and then the preview button, this reloads your cash, (it takes longer to load) if ok, then upload and see if this worked.

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Posté le de Andre E
Alfredo  C.
Alfredo C.

preview with control was too slow

but still we didnt got any result. the old text remains

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Posté le de Alfredo C.
Claudio D.

Hello Alfredo,

This happens also on a new project?

Did you use custom HTML code in your project?

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.