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Bill Poindexter
Bill Poindexter

Placing RSS Feed on Web page.  en

Auteur : Bill Poindexter
Visité 865, Followers 2, Partagé 0  

I am trying to place a RSS feed on a webpage. It is not my RSS but one from another site, in this case from NASA. I have searched the posts and looked through the help and cannot find out how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Bill Poindexter
Bill Poindexter

Well I think I have found the answer. I need to use a widget to generate the code. So if I am understanding this correctly I use whatever widget to generate the code then place an HTML box on the page and paste the code into it. Am I missing anything else here or does that pretty much cover it?

Has anyone used FeedWind to make the RSS code or have one they recommend?

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Posté le de Bill Poindexter
Claudio D.

Hello Bill,

Yes the steps are correct. As soon as you find a custom html code to display the rss feed you want you add it in the html code object in step 3 in the program.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.