WebSite X5Help Center

Carlo Pontoni
Carlo Pontoni

Player Audio Shoutcast  it

Auteur : Carlo Pontoni
Visité 2691, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Ciao a tutti, ho un problema molto importante... vediamo se qualcuno riesce ad aiutarmi :)

Devo realizzare un sito web per una web radio e ovviamoente devo inserire un player adatto ad una cosa professionale; ho il file sorgente da caricare sul server e il codice html dello stesso (vi allego la guida)...

le ho provate tutte ma non riesco a visualizzarlo, non funziona e so per certo che non è il player ma qualcosa sul sito..

Fatemi sapere e grazie mille in anticipo a tutti.

“Coolest responsive Music Player & Shoutcast Stream” Documentation by “Kombinator” v2.1.2

“Coolest responsive Music Player & Shoutcast Stream”

Created: 20/12/2013By: KombinatorEmail: ***
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Thank you for purchasing my player. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form
here or my Skype - kuzenko_net. Thanks so much!
end div .borderTop

Step by step Instructions

A Uploading
B Head includes
C JavaScript
D Sources and Credits
E If you need more snuff :)

Please, rate us and we’ll can delight you with good updates. Thanks! :) ---------------------------ROW----------------------------------

A) First: Upload '/plate/' folder at your server - to top
Upload only one folder (with all inside) from archive - /plate/ at your site directory. <p>By this way you will upload this css and JS file to your server (exclude js/jquery.js, if the latest version is existon your server and you can write manually path in "script" tag):</p> <pre> plate/js/jquery.js plate/js/jquery-ui.js plate/js/juery.cookie.js plate/js/juery.rotate.js plate/js/perfect-scrollbar.js plate/js/jquery.ui.touch- punch.min.js plate/js/json2.js plate/js/plate.js plate/css/plate.css </pre> --------------- ------------ROW----------------------------------

B) Second: Include some files into HTML code
Here is a html tags you have put near <HEAD> tags (required is only 1-3rd and 'plate.css' file)

<script src="plate/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="plate/js/plate.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plate/css/plate.css"/>

<script src="plate/js/jquery-ui.js"></script>

<script src="plate/js/jquery.ui.touch- punch.min.js"></script>

<script src="plate/js/jquery.cookie.js"></script> <script src="plate/js/perfect-scrollbar.js"></script> <script src="plate/js/jquery.rotate.js"></script> <!--[if lte IE 7]><script



B) Set the music - to top
This is a method for add songs if you want manually specify some things such as Band, Song Name, Duration, Cover path, etc
Just past next code anywhere in the Html of your page:

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){

phpGetter:'/plate/php/plate.php', //waytodirectory

with player files (if you upload not in Root dir) lastFM_API_key: '645753db26e26465663a7be06260b60c', // Your

lastfm API key for dynamic covers playlist: [

//if you can specify all parameters {"title":"Everything at Once ", "artist":"Lenka",

"cover":"files/covers/1.jpg", "file":"files/everything_at_once.mp3"},

{"title":"Everything at Once ", "artist":"Lenka", "cover":"files/covers/1.jpg",

"file":"files/everything_at_once.mp3"}, //or only file, player will try to load images and


}); });


---------------------------ROW---------------------------------- <hr> <p>So, next step is Very simple way to include player and list of songs into your site <BR> Just write the path to media files on your server separate by comma like this:</p> <pre> &lt;div class="quickPlate"> files/everything_at_once.mp3, files/pocketful_of_sunshine.mp3, files/the_best_thing.mp3, files/resistance.mp3 &lt;/div> </pre> -------------------------- -ROW----------------------------------

{"file":"files/files/lovesong.mp3"} ]

Or even like this for scanning folder:

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){

phpGetter:'/plate/php/plate.php', //waytodirectory

with player files (if you upload not in Root dir) lastFM_API_key: '645753db26e26465663a7be06260b60c', // Your

lastfm API key for dynamic covers playlist: [

from slash / ]

}); });


{file:'folder:/music_folder/'} // must begins

---------------------------ROW---------------------------------- If you want add Shoutcast radio:

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){

phpGetter: '/plate/php/plate.php', // way to directory with

player files (if you upload not in Root dir)
lastFM_API_key: '645753db26e26465663a7be06260b60c', // Your

lastfm API key for dynamic covers playlist: [

{file:';',artist:'Brazil' title:'POP Radio'}

for default ]

}); });


// 2 characters - '/;' at the end is required


Or use our online code generator

And this code, where you want to be a player:

<div id="plate2"></div>


If you enjoy it rate us 5 stars. And we’ll can delight you with good updates.

Thanks! :)

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this Player. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the products on CodeCanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.

Kuzenko IT

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Posté le
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Meilleur utilisateur du mois IT

...dovresti mettere il link del sito online e della pagina dove hai tentato di incorporare il codice ... per vedere cosa succede ...

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Posté le de Claudio D.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... appunto fai come detto da Claudio, ...e meglio anche postare il LINK della fonte del codice...

... da parte mia non posso dirti molto, se non che con SwishMax sarebbe detto e fatto con la mia invenzione che avevo pubblicato su e che ho verificato qui:

... purtroppo, grazie ai soliti noti!, non funge sui dispositivi obsoleti! o obsoleti per il Flash, se non usati con i browser più evoluti del tipo di puffin, photon, iswifter, skyfire, ecc. ...


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪