Has anyone gotten iframes from WildApricot to work? 
Auteur : Paul De FreitasI want to integrate the membership and email management features from WildApricot (dot com) into my amateur theatre site.
WildApricot states that they have to use third-party cookies so as to get around issues with browser privacy settings. In other words, if you have been here before, I will show your iFrame otherwise I will not. So when the browser (I have tried with IE/Chrome and Firefox) interprets and acts on the contents of the iFrame which is a call to a WildOrchid widget, if the cookie is not found one is written and then a recall is made. That is my understanding from their documentation as follows: " When people visit a site that embeds Wild Apricot functionality using widgets, Wild Apricot places a cookie on the visitor's device to recognize the device in the future. In this case, Wild Apricot is considered to be a third-party site by your visitors' browsers. If visitors to your non-Wild Apricot site have third-party cookies completely disabled in their browser, they will not be able to view or access your embedded widget(s).
I get a blank screen no matter what, but if I run debugger tools, the page code for inside the iFrame seems to be there.
Has anyone been able to use WildApricot widgets in HTML boxes successfully in X5 Evolution 12? Can anyone point to how I can get a better idea of what X5 is doing and what IIS is logging so that I can see where this thing is failing?
Many thanks in advance for any help, advice and guidance,
Paul de Freitas
I will look into this for you today and see what I can figure out for you.
Many thanks
Just a further note on this topic. iFrames from TripAdvisor, Facebook and Twitter all work just fine. I am now believing that there is something deliberate about this not working - something to do with forced acceptance of 3rd party cookies for tracking purposes. I am going to take this up with WildOrchid.