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Steve B.
Steve B.

On the header by saving text as png will it display the font as an image?  en

Auteur : Steve B.
Visité 1202, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

On the header by saving text as png will it display the font as an image and therefore mean that I do not have to worry about websafe fonts? This is because my customers logo has to be in a particular font and this would solve the problem as it is not available as a websafe font.

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Gabriele P.
Gabriele P.

...consider that you upload image and not font, so, you can modify an image with a graphic program only...don't worry...

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Posté le de Gabriele P.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Steve,

Actually WebSite X5 always saves any text in the header as an image by default.  You can choose to select either a JPG header image, or a PNG image if transparency is important.

But in both cases the conversion to image is automatic, and so your customers logo with its specific font will be preserved.

If designing a responsive site bear in mind that it is necessary to design the mobile header (and footer) separately from the desktop one.

Kind regards,


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Posté le de Paul M.
Steve B.
Steve B.

Thank you for the answers could I just clarify. The text is not within the logo png. I will be using a non websafe font in the header and just need to check that when I tick the save as png this text will save as a png and so look the same on browsers without the font installed on that particular computer. Thanks in advance, I have been using different web software for years so I am on a steep learning curve to swap my customers sites over.

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Posté le de Steve B.