Sitemap-Creation problems 
Auteur : Aristotelis BiliourisDear Sirs,
Checking my website with google webmasters tools, there are errors in the creation of sitemap.
I suppose that the problem is because i have upgraded from older versions of website, because when i create the same web page from the begging the problem seams that is solved for this page. With just a copy paste of the web page the problem exists.
Also i notice that the messase has to do with 6 lines every time e.g.
error on line 1669 at column 78: EntityRef: expecting ';'
error on line 1663 at column 78: EntityRef: expecting ';'
error on line 1657 at column 78: EntityRef: expecting ';'
Is there an easy way to solve the problem? or i have to create again from the begining my whole website page by page?
Hello Aristotelis,
You get this error because on you used in the filename &. Replace it in the file name in step 2 in the properties of the page since the sitemap.xml file is not accepting it for the xml standard.
Many thanks!
Dear Claudio,
I still got he same error messages...
" error on line 1651 at column 78: EntityRef: expecting ';' "
at strength and function.html 2016-09-23 monthly 0.5
Dear Claudio,
Till now a manage to solve the problem in some web pages but its imposible to do it to the whole website
What i have done is
1. Create a new page
2. Copy everything, object by object, image by image etc from the old page to the new one (when i try to copy directly the page, it doesnt worked..)
3. Deleting the old page
So, is there an easy way? because the problem exists almost to all my website !
Now i m at "line 1605 at column 78: EntityRef: expecting ';'
Thank you in advanced!
Dear Claudio,
Without the correct sitemap, all my website pages are missing from google search engine!
I really believe its Webisite bag, since my other web sites with older versions have NO problems !
Waiting for your solution
i mean "BUG"
with the new version of website i have to remove from EVERY photo and video of my website i have to remove sitemap?
Hello Aristotelis,
Go in step 2 and then rename the name of the page by removing the & and using as example "and".
To the same for every page where you used in the page name &.
Once done export it again online.
Many thanks!
Dear Claudio,
I have change tha name,without the "&" symbol, and it works.
But the problems still exist.
I m attaching you the sitemap.xml file
As you can see, there is problem almost to every page, every image etc ! (The pages & images dont include the "&"symbol.
Also i notice that there is problem even to images, that i havent chacked them to be in the sitemap.
I m telling you once again, that this happened after the last updates !
Pls do something, its really ungent as the pages are missing from google search !
My other post "Hreflang Tags with Errors" its not opened ! there is no open place for writing there.. pls also correct this..
Hello Aristotelis,
There is still a page with & on your sitemap.xml file:
Correct his one too and then test it again. I need to see the sitemap.xml file to see what causes it.
About the hreflang issue continue in this case on and add all the informations and errors you get so I can verify it.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
The problems solved.
Finally, yesterday submitted all my web pages (92)
Thank you
P.S. it was not for "&" just 2 pages...