Speed in early release of Ver 13 Evolution lacking 
Auteur : James Z.Having recently installed Version 13 Evolution, I have beem trying to make use of it to try it out. Once I start the program, it takes about 3 hours for the project to initialize. Then it is time to go to bed, I add or adjust 1 item and save. Then another 3 hour wait while it saves the project.
My project currently has over 3,000 Html files, along with all the supporting files. I have been using ver 12 Evolution. I have been modifing my project to change my menu's from pull down to pages with links. (this change is working to decrease file size). I was hoping to continue this with Version 13, but opening the project and then saving it takes to much time to use.
I thought this version was supposed to be twice as fast on 64 bit systems. Maybe my 6 year old 64 bit computer with a striped drive array needs to be retired and a newer system purchased.
Is my site too Big for Evolution, and do I need Pro? So far I like what I have created under version 12 Evolution. Maybe I need to continue to use it until version 13 Evolution is polished, the first thing I did using it locked the program up. This was trying to create a Hyper-Link, soon as I clicked the button the prgram Locked.
I have been trying to create a replacement web site for my wife that she created with DremWeaver 3 on a Windows XP computer. I trying to help her get modernized, so I do not have a functioning site yet. I do have a trial site up, but it does not relate to this problem and is not up to date.
I want my wife to be able to work on Another of the 3 sites we need to update, but we are currently stalled. She wants me to get the one I am working on completed and working
James, I am using WX5 Pro13 and sadly have noticed no noticeable improvements in speed - perhaps this will come as they finalise the product (I was fortunate to be a beta tester, but surprised when the release version proved to be the same as the beta release). I am sure Incomedia will correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge (& in my experience) PRO offers no speed advantages over EVO.
Is it possible that your PC is partially the problem?
Deletion of temporary "rubbish" files (ccleaner - free) and a recent defrag (defraggler - free) of my system dramatically improved it's performance, perhaps it could help with yours?
PS. on a friends PC I was able to dramatically improve it's performance by running chkdsk c: /r from an elevated command prompt. Turns out he had a couple of faulty sectors causing major bottlenecks. I assume a striped array could suffer similar problems?