Add sections in the forum to seperate the different posts 
Auteur : Dieter D.
Visité 1666,
Followers 1,
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As the forum is very full of so many posts I would think it seems a good idea to "sort" the different questions into types like "purchase question", "installation issue", "bug", "other advice",...
The basic buckets of "Question", "Idea", "Praise",... is just not enough as 95% are questions which should be further sorted.
Other thing:
The search function is too broad as typing in more than one word gives results for each word in the query (i.e. typing "header style" gives a ton of results where only 10% are useful). A possibility to narrow down the search by the option to select "results for posts with ALL words" (-> "and" clause instead of "or") would be helpful.
Maybe others like these "ideas" of me too...
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