ABOUT metatags 
Auteur : IOANNIS P.
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Hello users of x5v13 and olders
i have a question to maybe resolve many things
from qooqle pagespeed insight they give me many warning and how to make my website more SEO better
and how broswers see my website
but with some metatags seems not work at website x5 v13 and old ones
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="public">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="must-revalidate">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=3600">
where at the SEO i can put this when the head open or before head close
thank you in advance for any help i can get
Posté le
Hello Ioannis,
You can add metatags like this using either option. The important thing is that the metatags are added to the head and not the body of the webpage.
Kind regards,
they are 2 options at x5v13 the first is(when the head open)and the second is (before head close) where is the correct
Like I said, it doesn't matter which position you choose... both are in the HEAD of the webpage, so either is fine.
Personally, I prefer to put metatags just after the opening head section.