PayPal payment window resulting in error message. 
Auteur : John R.Hi,
There is an issue with one of our site's payment processing. Once an order has been made, and the user clicks the 'Pay Now' button (which opens up a new tap with the PayPal screen in it), now the user recives an PayPal error message. "Things don't appear to be working right now. Please come back later." (Image attached).
I used the in-built option for adding PayPal as a payment option. I;ve tried deleting the method and adding a new PayPal, to no avail. I've contacted PayPal, but the support staff could only offer support for proper coded websites, not third party software.
This issue only cropped up two days ago. No updates have been made in the past month. Payment has been working for the past 4 years.
Currently trying to reupload the entire website from scratch. After that, I'm all out of ideas.
Link to the site:
Yes I am having this same exact issue. Mine started happening the month of April. It is the software buynow code issue, but still wanting to know the fix.
Found a temporary fix. Make your own buynow with add to cart on paypal and insert using html code on the software
Hi MG, thanks but this isn't viable in our situation.
We have 300+ products with multiple different options, and multiple shipping options depending on weight/location. Each would have to be independantly added (and I don't see an option for multiple shipping).
Can I get an official answer to this, please? I'm losing orders left and right due to this.
Hello John,
As it seems PayPal made changes on the code necessary for the payments and it will require to use the custom HTML code like MG Ribauw suggested to make it work again.
This depends on thee change made by PayPal and only by using the custom Payment button from PayPal can mak it work again where you an add the variables [PRICE] for the price and [ORDER_NO] for the order number.
Many thanks!
So are you saying that Incomedia's PayPal function is broken then? Is there a timeline for a fix?
As I stated before, that option isn't viable. I can use another credit card custom code in, but that's not the point. The point is PayPal changed the system, messing up the Incomedia code. I want to know what Incomedia is doing to fix the situation.
You can fix this if you use the standard fields of data that are represented in the program.
ZIP code
This is a mandatory field for PayPal.
Yes this worked out perfectly!!! Thank you...
John R. try it out. Thanks Serge Linds.
Legendary! Thank you very much guys, that fixed everything.
Really appreciate it.