Random text sizes on mobile view 
Auteur : Richard Sempere Paulsen
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I'm having troubles with the visualization of the website.The text is displayed in different sizes without any apparent criteria, on mobile devices.In the program I have set it to the same size.However, as you can see in the screenshots, the paragraph text is viewed in different sizes from one another.In step 2, from the responsive section, I have set it as destok.
Say that, this does not happen in the computer view.Only on mobile devices.
The website in question is www.luisavich.com.
It would be great if they could help me.
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Hi Richard
First of all, when looked at through Firefox on my phone, the text sizes remain correct. However, when using the built in browser I see the same text size issues as on your screen capture. It is happening only when there is more than one column, in which case the rendering engine attempts to fit all content within the space available, with pictures this is not an issue, but with text it gets resized and will look different to text in adjacent cells which span full width. You could tell all clients to only use firefox, but this is unrealistic.
You have Version 13, but your website is non-responsive so my suggestion is turn responsive on.
Step 2 template, customisation, resolutions and responsive design. You can control when cells remain next to each other or drop into a single column, but in mobile phone portrait view, you will only get single colum and this should resolve the problem with text sizes.
(as an aside, you have not taken advantage of the "scroll to top" button in step 2 Customisation, page scroll options, show scroll to top button - without it I found it quite fiddly to keep returning to your menu and try find the page in your screenshot)
Have a great day.
PS - great looking website.
Jeeze! What a bug! I really don't understand what the column have to do with this problem.
Well... The problem is that my client doesn't like how the web shows on the responsive version. So... What could I do? Is there at least some method via html or css to include some code that tells how the text have to show when the web resize?
Thanks in advance.
Richard, this is not a bug, more a limitation of older browsers on mobile devices.
You can fix these problems by creating a responsive website (step 2 Template, customisation, resolutions and responsive design, Responsive Site), keeping text and images in separate cells, and using the resolution layout of each page so text boxes appear either above or below images.
"Older browsers"? How is that? I've the last version of Google Chrome in my phone and I see this website wrong. But it only happens with this website. I can show you, if you want, several screen captures of websites in its non-responsive version and you will see that it shows right. It's not posible that the only way for a website to show it right is the responsive version. It's not logic.
Richard, I guess it's up to you, the built in browser and chrome on my phone display "the failings" you are concerned about, firefox does not.
All I know is, if you make it responsive you'll get a better score in google and in my experience, font sizes in cells are consistent across all mobile browsers.