Sites utilisateurs présentés réalisés sans website ! 
Auteur : FABRE DanielleBonjour à tous,
Surprise ce matin en visionnant quelques sites utilisateurs de la communauté, toujours à la recherche d'un modèle de site e-commerce réalisé avec Website !
En effet, la plupart des sites e-commerce présentés ne sont pas faits avec Website ! a été réalisé avec Prestashop !
tout comme qui a été réalisé avec Wordpress
tout comme dont le e-shop est redirigé vers non ralisé avec website
tout comme réalisé avec Prestashop
... etc
Dommage une fois de plus de laisser croire qu'avec Website il est possible de créer un VRAI site e-commerce alors qu'il est IMPOSSIBLE de gérer une base de données clients, différents coupons, un calendrier de livraison... et que les utilisateurs (dont je suis) désespèrent depuis plusieurs années que cette fonction voit le jour et soient contraints de se tourner vers une solution alternative...
Je vous en prie, faites quelque chose s'il vous plaît
Good morning Danielle,
thank you for opening this post.
Where did you find the websites you pointed out? Are they in our gallery? I will personaly remove them if you could kindly point them out for me please, because as you have been able to see, they have not been created with WebSite X5.
I can if you like, show you a couple of websites that have been created with WebSite X5 by our users and that have a store inside them, please have a look below:
What do you think? These websites have been created entirely with WebSite X5 and I personally think that the result is quite good. You can also have a look at our Full templates, that have a shopping cart inside them, like for example:
I see that you have opened several ideas and that you are looking for particular functions at the moment. I am sure that our developers have read all of them and that they will do what is possible to make all our users happy and satisfied.
I hope that the websites I showed you will inspire you in the mean time.
Have a good day Danielle!
***** Google Translation:
Bonjour Danielle,
Merci pour nosu avoir contacté.
Vous avez trouvé où les sites Web que vous avez signalés? Sont-ils dans notre galerie? Je les supprimerais personnellement si vous pouviez bien me le signaler, car, comme vous l'avez vu, ils n'ont pas été créés avec WebSite X5.
Je peux, si vous le souhaitez, vous montrer quelques sites Web qui ont été créés avec WebSite X5 par nos utilisateurs et qui ont un magasin à l'intérieur d'eux, regardez ci-dessous:
Qu'est-ce que tu penses? Ces sites Web ont été créés entièrement avec WebSite X5 et je pense personnellement que le résultat est assez bon. Vous pouvez également consulter nos Full Templates, qui ont un panier à l'intérieur, comme par exemple:
Je vois que vous avez ouvert plusieurs idées et que vous recherchez des fonctions particulières en ce moment. Je suis sûr que nos développeurs les ont tous lus et qu'ils feront ce qui est possible pour que tous nos utilisateurs soient heureux et satisfaits.
J'espère aussi que les sites que je vous ai montrés vous inspireront.
Bonne journée, Danielle!
Hello Samantha,
Thank you sincerely for your message.
For sites found on the Help Center, look at some examples in the attachment. All of them I have indicated below have been found in the
Obviously, with Website it is possible to make sites of sale; I myself realized 2 great projects
: and and the sites that you indicate to me are very pretty!
I did not express myself a priori because the problem of users like me is not the sale but the management of the customers. And my customers ask me to have a real customer management.
If you look at your sites online, you can only buy. None offers customer management. It is impossible to register as a customer and to find his coordinates, his orders ... The only solution is to make a redirection on a page prestashop for example.
Since version 9 make an online catalog and sell is possible but not the customer base despite our requests. I know that developers improve the software but not at the level of customer management.
On the forum, many users turn away from website to go to prestashop, wordpress ... I find it unfortunate that Incomedia loses customers only for this problem.
Tell me if I am not clear enough...
Have a good day too Samantha!
Good morning Danielle,
thank you for your answer.
I perfectly understand your point of view and I am sorry that you can not find exactly what you are looking for at the moment.
It is not possible to manage your customers, but you can manage your orders and inventory so that you may control the amount of products for sale. This last feature was added not long ago to help our users improve their store, and I am sure that our developers will do all that is possible to satisfy everyone.
Unfortunately, I do not know if the feature you are looking for will be added into WebSite X5 at the present moment, but I would like to thank you for giving us your point of view and for helping us improve our software.
You've done a great job up until now, your websites are very good, well done!
Please feel free to write back if you have anymore suggestions and keep up the good work, I will personally contact you if I have any information about the customer management, I promise.
Thank you Danielle!
Hello Samantha,
Thank you for your information and compliments
I do hope that the next new version of the software in October will contain the management of the customers; Otherwise Incomedia must indicate that it is possible to insert a catalog but not to integrate an real e-commerce solution.
I would appreciate if you would keep me informed.
Sincerely yours,
Good morning Danielle!
My pleasure!
As promised, I will update you if I receive information about this.
Have a nice day!