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Ron S.
Ron S.

Version 12 will not start after install  en

Auteur : Ron S.
Visité 3159, Followers 1, Partagé 0  


I can install Version 12 (a reg version) on my computer but it will not start after the install. No registration request at all. I have a working Version 11 on the same computer. I tried the install on my portable (win10) and it worked.

MY Version 12 install is on an Asus M32/V32 running Windows 10 with all current updates.

Any ideas here please?

Thank you,

Ron Sagel


Posté le
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, are you installing a version you stored on your hard disk, or are you installing a freshly downloaded copy from your profile (top right of your screen)?

Has your ASUS recently been restarted?

Can you (temporarily) turn off your Anti Virus and Firewall (both Windows and potentially the one in your security package)?

Do you have Lavasoft Web Companion on your PC - if so you need to remove it

Was version 12 previously installed and running on this PC/Laptop?

If it still does not work, can you look at the Windows System Logs and identify what may be causing the timeout or error?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Ron S.
Ron S.

+System-Provider [ Name] Application Error -EventID 1000 [ Qualifiers] 0 Level 2 Task 100 Keywords 0x80000000000000 -TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2017-09-10T15:17:28.978976000Z EventRecordID 49787 Channel Application Computer DESKTOP-PIGENVT Security-EventData imRegister.exe 582c4026 KERNELBASE.dll 10.0.14393.1532 5965ac8c e0434352 0000000000033c58 e30 01d32a47ea6e57e1 C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSite X5 v12 - Evolution\imRegister.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll 5cc479f6-780a-4153-a360-a972cda03542

This is from the event log

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Posté le de Ron S.
Ron S.
Ron S.


Restarted a number of times

All anti virus is off

No Lavasoft

Version 12 was running before a reload of the computer was necessary

Program was downloaded from your site yesterday

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Posté le de Ron S.
Ron S.
Ron S.

More info:

SFC scan shows no errors for the Win 10 modules. I looked up the KENELBASE.dll on the web and it is a rather big

problem to many applications trying to register back to application servers. I have the same error in a Flight Sim program that is trying to do the same thing. This makes me think that a Version 13 upgrade is not in my future.


Ron Sagel

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Posté le de Ron S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, since you have a new Win 10 install, there are probably some missing libraries (visual C??). Somewhere on this board there are a number of posts relating to reloading these libraries, but the search system is such that I have not been unable to find them.

I have requested that Incomedia come to your assistance.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Claudio D.

Hello Ron S.,

Try to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps:

Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.6 and then click ok.

Once done proceed to reinstall the Visual C++ 2013 library:

Download the Visual C++ 2013 installer available on following link (you need to download the x86 version also if the OS is 64bit):
In case this should not help try to use before this repair tool and then try again to start WebSite X5.

Please keep me updated.

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Ron S.
Ron S.


Sorry I missed the reply. I tried the solutions and none of them work for me. I still have the same error for IMREGISTER in the event log. I have the same problem with a flight sim program that requires activation. I cannot get around this problem since the initiation of the program gives no screen response at all - it just does not run.

Sorry for the bother here but I am out of options other that a compete reinstall of a previous backup from my ACRONIS system. This would delete updates I have made to my system that I do not want to lose.


Ron Sagel

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Posté le de Ron S.
Ron S.
Ron S.


I have a laptop that also runs Win10. It too is a 64 bit version of win10. This computer runs your installs for Version 12 and the demo for 13. It also runs the program(s).

I may try to install the Version 13 on this system. Is there any technical reason that you could see that would render the Version 13 product (not the demo) to have trhe problem my other computer has given that the demo works?


Ron Sagel

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Posté le de Ron S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, WX5 V13 should install and run perfectly on any Windows 10 machine, and by the same token, it should now be running on your ASUS.

If you have V13 I would try to install this on the ASUS first (just in case you get lucky).

As a matter of passing interest - have you tried temporarily totally disabling the Windows Firewall?

And as a parting shot (this may sound silly sorry), have you recently turned your modem off then on again?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Claudio D.

Hello Ron,

The kernelbase.dll error is a windows error where this file is no longer working correctly and generally the best option is to restore windows to a previous point where it was working.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
Ron S.
Ron S.


I tried the Firewall Off - it made no change

The modem has been set and reset a number of times do to the IRMA storm. My internet provider has been on-line to me for years. I also have this problem with a flight sim program. It is not new to me.

I will probably get the V13 upgrade and install it on my portable. I will also try it on my ASUS.


Ron Sagel

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Posté le de Ron S.
Ron S.
Ron S.


I bought V13. It will not install and run on the ASUS - same error as v12

I did install and run it on my HP portable ( Win 10 64 bit also)

For now I will have to operate on the HP computer.

If you ever get a solution for the KERNELBASE.dll issue please let me know.

Thanks for trying and cheers,

Ron Sagel

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Posté le de Ron S.
Claudio D.

Hello Ron S.,

the kernelbase.dll error is related to windows and generally the suggestions from microsoft are restore windows to a point where it was working correctly since it's a windows system file.

If you have te possibility try to restore windows to a previous point where all worked, also on the other program where you receive the same error, to test it.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.