My Website PayPal shop has problems NEED HELP 
Auteur : Christine C.I have received errors afrom PayPal and they say its down to X5 program and they have a number of the same issues with X5 websites, please. I need to know how to correct the issues within X5 Pro 12.
What is happening id my customers are getting a error message from paypal once they go to but . I have not had a problem with X5 shopping before and need in simple terms how to edit a to correct customes details etc. I am very surpriced that what PayPal has said they have had a number of x5 website shopping issue as they have changed some of their values. ALL the time this is happening it is costing me money ,WHY has X5 not mentioned this issues, King Regards Christine
There’s a problem with your shipping address.
Please return to the merchant and update your information, including your city, state, and ZIP code.
Christine Smith
10 Hyde Road Caddington
Luton Bedfordshire LU1 4HE
Dear Christine Smith,
Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding integration issues showing an error message due to the address.
- We have made an integration upgrade recently (3 months ago) and you would have to check if your implementation is meeting the new standards. Here is the links
Here is the list of the values you would have to pass and how: first_name= Max 32 char last_name= Max 32 char email= Max 127 char address1= Max 100 char city= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country state= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values: zip= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country country= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values night_phone_b = it must be a numeric value, no special characters
- Other thing could be:
Usually this error happens when a seller is using the "address_override" option in their checkout or button code. When this variable is set to "1", it means that the address provided during your checkout is set to override any address in the customer's PayPal account. With this setting turned on, the customer would not have the option to edit the shipping address when they are redirected to PayPal for checkout. If the buyer entered an invalid shipping address on your website, they would probably see this error message. Usually an address is invalid if the buyer didn't enter one of the required values (name, address line 1, city, province/state, postal code and country ) or that information is not being sent to PayPal when the buyer is redirected to us for checkout.
The best solution is to remove the "address_override" variable from your button or checkout code. Another option if you want to leave the address_override setting on, is to make sure your checkout is validating the address form to ensure all required fields are provided and have acceptable formats. Because I am not able to see your implementation code, I wouldn't know whether is an technical issue or a problem with the set up of the account.
Please, don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or issues or checkout the MTS forum -
Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely, Shelley PayPal Copyright © 1999-2017 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.
Christine, it appears that Paypal have changed the rules, and others are also affected.
oK SO PayPal has changed the rules. I know the shop does not work if going via PayPal. and X5 who want to sell their next version needs to sort out with an updated to cover these issuesare having now . I have had X5 programes from the start IE 7/8/9/11/12 and Pro etc and many who others who have purchased X5
Come on X5 I am sure you could put out an update just to cover this issue if you care about your customers. Custermers are going to other shops to purchase . so X5 maybe good to start with but it is costing me money. Just Sort out the problem Regards Christine
I am stuck here,
X5 is ment to be easy to set up. I do not know who said that as I just cannot get my paypal within my shop to work and it takes so long for x5 to get back to their customers with a sort of a note , then we have to go back again and again still not sorting out the problem. Can anyone tell me that after X5 knew there was going to be a problem with PayPal as they have already stated,why they did not take action and do an update on this issue, Could it be they want to sell their latest versions. I dont know but it dont smell right . I have lost over a week of customers who I may never get back due to the adminstration at X5 dragging their tails . They are not showing a duty of care towards their customers, some of us dunb bitches are not programmers so when they say do this or do that you might as well say go to the moon as your instructions is hard for me to follow. Sorry but I am fed up with the way X5 treats its customers. Christine who is lost x
Hi, I got the same problem. Incomedia should sort this out ASAP with an update. Not going to buy X5 14 unless this is solved! This kind of stuff comes right out of the box. That's why i started with X5.
Hi Steve,
X5 must and should show a duty of care toward their customers, if they do not put out an update to solve this issue then we will see just what kind of a company they are. this is all about purchasing a program that is now not fit for purposeme the . There must be hundreds of users who have not been informed by X5, I had to spend an hour on the phone finding out what has gone wrong, they sent IG THING but we do not have access to the codeing to carry out this, Only X5 has and they should have put out a notice to all their customers when it became known to them well over a week ago. So Much for customer care.
Hello Christine C.,
PayPal changed in March 2017 the payment system and for Version 12 and older it is necessary to follow these steps to make it work again:
Copy the following code and add it as custom HTML code as payment type:
This code needs to be customized for every project by changing the parts in bold:
How to customize:
replace *** with the email you use to receive the paypal payments.
can be left in this way if the payment is in Euro otherwise it needs to be updated with the used currency.
you need to unter the WebSite URL with the payment confirmation page.
For the URL you need to follow these steps:
You need to encode also the payment error URL like above and then paste it the code in the position for the error URL.
In case of difficulties let me know.
Hallo, kann der Button "paynow" in "Jetzt bezahlen" geändert werden? Was muss umgestellt werden, damit es klappt? Danke
Christine, since you own V13, and since Incomedia state that this issue only exists in V12 and earlier, why not upgrade your site to V13?
Claudio - thanks for the details you sent to Christine,... I too am experiencing the same issue here in Canada.
Bottom Line: any chance Incomedia is considering a 'patch' for this for V12? hoping we could download or perhaps simply come when I select 'Check for Updates'?
Issue: Also receiving the 'Shipping address error' with PayPal on my site generated with V12.
Option1 - Coding - noted above seems a bit daunting for me, others too I assume. As with others we purchased X5 to allow us the ease of website building and leave the 'majic' that you good folks do here to make that a pleasure to use... HELP!
Option 2 - V13/14 - I actually have purchased a license for V13 however, when migrating my site to it the formating and appearance are totally messed up due to the new way pages are structured in V13. This means I had to go back to V12 to allow me time this Fall / Winter to rebuild my entire site with V13. This will help fix the pay pal issue yes, but I volunteer on this charity organization and wont have cycles to rebuild the whole site for some time... this leaves us without a viable payment option.. again... HELP!
Please consider a patch / fix for us V12 users to help!
Best regards Jeff Scherf
Hello Jeff,
Can you please write the login data to your website so I can check the website in a new private post?
Many thanks!
Claudio thanks so much for your SPEEDY response!
thanks Jeff
Claudio hello ... ! GOOD NEWS! We attempted the code supplied above with the option to roll back
GOOD NEWS ! is PayPal payments are now working! THANK YOU!!
QUESTION: When Finally migrating from V12 to V13, Should I Remove the code and go back to the drag down menu selection of PayPal payment method to take advantage of any 'fixes' etc now or future in V13?
Let me know. . . !
Regards Jeff
Hi Jeff,
Follow the indications of incomedia unfortunately I did not find written in French, translated from Italian all the page
also i did not find in english languages ;-)
Hello Christine,
Could you solve the experienced issue with the paypal payment?
Many thanks!
@Jeff S. in Version 13 you remove the code and set again as payment type PayPal in the program.
@A. Kris Ti preghiamo di aggiungere sempre il testo originale in italiano con la traduzione.
Hi Claudio,
I tried the solution with the Html code, but I´m receiving the messate " You have requested an outdated version of PayPal."
I also need to use PayPal as a payment option. This issue makes me lost lot of sales!
Why I´m receiving this error message? What is going on? Why you repair in version 13 and did not repair in version 12?
In version 12 at the time of release the paypal payment worked fine, it was Paypal who changed the procedure. Have you considered upgrading to V13/V14?
Hello José Luiz A.,
Please open a new post where you write also the link to the website so it will be easier to help you.
Many thanks!
Coming to this discussion late, but I am having the same problem with two websites.
I'm on Evolution V11 and cannot contemplate upgrading in view of the comments above about subsequent problems with formatting. I maintain ten websites for friends and charities, two of them huge, so the work involved in rebuilding would be overwhelming.
Claudio's coding solution is equally daunting. As has already been stated, most of us who use X5 do not because we aren't coders - that's what we've paid for. I'm a 63 year old, self-taught, home-based amateur. - give me a break, please!
So, is there any hope at all of X5 coming up with a workable solution in the not too distant future?
Hello Anne V,
On you will find the code and the steps to follow where it shows the parts where you need to modify the code to adapt it to your website.
In case of difficulties please open a new post so we can help you to add the code.
Many thanks!