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Colin T.
Colin T.

Template content  en

Auteur : Colin T.
Visité 2264, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

In the new template content section, when double clicking on the menu image to edit, when selecting the menu item any change to the background colour has no effect.  If I change the text colour this changes on the screen and on the template.  I am pretty sure in menu in the prevoius version this worked fine?

Posté le
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Colin,

Well yes and no, no it has no effect, probably because you have set the menu item colour, in that case this menu item clolour is on top of the menu background colour. if you set a menu item background colour to transparant you will see the background colour of the menu itself. Or create more space between the menu items that wil show up the background of the menu between the menu otems.

And yes there is difference because in the older version the background was set in the header menu background.

that can stil be set, but the menu itself is now a seperate to use object, and has got a seperate background colour selection. It's just incase you wish to have no clour on one or more menu items and want a different colour in the background then the place you have set the menu object in.

Hope this makes sense, it a bit difficult to explai, just try it yourself.

Let me know if you need more info.

Best Regards,

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Posté le de Andre E
Colin T.
Colin T.


I understand what you are saying however I still don't get where I need to make changes to alter the button background colours.  Here is a screen grab showing the buttons graphic.  I want to change the grey and the dark green but I can't see how to do this?



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Posté le de Colin T.
Andre E
Andre E

You can do this by the pulldown menu and select the item you wish to change colour. Or click the button in the menu bar itself, this will select this button in the pulldown menu automaticly of that menu item.

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Posté le de Andre E
Colin T.
Colin T.

Hi Andre,

Yes I get that however when I select different colours there is no change. The seperator button changes colour against the selection I make but the other three are stuck as per the jpeg in my last message on grey and green.



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Posté le de Colin T.
Andre E
Andre E

delete an (background)image if there is one active, select it and press delete. or use right mouse button

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Posté le de Andre E