Shopping cart functionality 
Auteur : Jonathan W.I have been using X5 for 3 years now and it is generally very user friendly - I can manage to operate my own site.
I am however now at a stage when dealing with customer orders, because I get a much larger volume, that I am struggling to cope with the long-winded way I have to process them.
If there is anyone out there that can help that has found an easy way to manage volume orders via X5 please let me know.
Despite repeated requests Incomedia still fail to include the unique order number in the CSV files and that renders a database completely unusable.
The system is the only one I have ever seen online that accepts and sends an order before completing a payment - this relies on me matching a payment for every order manually - I risk losing revenue and stock this way - the busier I get the bigger the risk.
At present every day I have to manually check every order has been paid for, I have to copy and paste the order detail onto a document where I then have to remove all the item description that is sent in full on the email. Once I have the order in a format that is printable and have printed , picked and sent it I then have to manually email each customer to tell them it's on it's way. There is a little business called Ebay that I use that involves pressing 2 buttons to do all this! (but they charge me 11% for the priviledge)
Am I missing something here? or should, as I suspect, just look for a new shopping cart and leave X5 behind - I have tied a couple and so far have not found one that is not so complicated it is unusable.
Isthere a happy medium out there somewhere?
Advice or direction would be most welcome.
Many thanks
Hello Joanthan,
The developers are still taking the suggestion in consideration but at the moment I am not able to tell you if and when a specific function will be added in the program.
the email sent containds the order request and in case of offline payment the informations to complete the payment but at the moment there is no function to verify automatically the payment.
Many thanks!
Claudio I appreciate your answer - unfortunately my business cannot stand still whilst the developers have a think about these options so I have no choice but to look elsewhere.
I have never been on any site that sends orders before payment is made - it is simply ridiculous - even Incomedias own sales platform does not do this. I would rather lose an order through an occasional faulty webpage than potentially lose stock or waste time checking payment has been made for each order.
I have been asking this question, as have others, for several years.
I would warn any business that fails to listen to the requirements of customers that they are doomed to a degree of failure.
Hello Jonathan
The X5 is not an e-commerce platform. They are moving towards - but still far from. ( now it is possible to set up, so buyers can see their own orders - that's good - but should be a natural thing )
- It should be possible to maintain the products and so, via an app or via the administration panel.
- You cannot make a website for a customer - the customer is not able to maintain the products - you have to be the webmaster and you have to upload every time you have a change.
- The system cannot fulfill an order - even if it is a digital product. It should be able for the user to download the product JUST AFTER the user has paid for the product. As it is now, the buyer has to wait for you to do something EVEN if he has paid - and so we must hope you are present 24/7/365.
- There are other issues, but these are the most important.
I would suggest you to look at :
OpenCart is FREE. It can be standalone and it can be integrated in X5 via iframes.
You could use X5 as a "container" for the OpenCart and then have a link to it, or integrate via iframe.
I have an example here :
where I use ( not the OpenCart but the ) ADMIDIO. It is a member system I have integrated via iframes.
You can see one more example of the integration here :
Kind regards
John S.