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J. Dudley
J. Dudley

For no reason and with no changes being made, emails from the shopping cart orders are now not being received.  en

Auteur : J. Dudley
Visité 1874, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Apart from adding a few additional items to shopping cart, I have made no changes to settings or my destination email address (gmail) nothing now is coming through and several people have tried test purchases with no luck. The software seems to indicate that the data has been sent but nothing arrives.  I am using v13 pro.

My host has made no changes and it worked fine before the last update it seems.

Help please.

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J. Dudley
J. Dudley

I have received the following when doing a test from the Dashboard. "Cannot send email with internal script.   So why has this changed and what do I need do to correct it.

Thank you

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Posté le de J. Dudley
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


I have no idea why your email should suddenly stop working, however, you could rule out WX5 being the issue by upgrading to Version available under your profile (top right corner of this page) under the download heading.

Are you sending email from the same server that hosts your website, or are you using the google smtp server? I recently had issues with tightened security in gmail and had to revisit the allow less secure apps setting.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
J. Dudley
J. Dudley

Sorry this wasnt helpful. I am getting an error that the internal script for email is a problem.

I have updated to v13.1.8.23  and I have also created a new email addres that contains all the necessary features to receive the attachment.

I have also contacted EUKHosts (my hosting company) who have made no restrictions or changes to the server or my account.

upgrading to the new version doesnt rule out websitex being the problem. I need some assistance regarding the internal script problem and how to fix this.

Many Thanks

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Posté le de J. Dudley
Claudio D.

Hello J. Dudley,

Have you tested in the admin section the other email scripts to see if there is another one which works?

If it stopped working probably theyt made changes on the hosting server and you need to test the other scripts to see if another one works with these new settings.

Many thanks!

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Posté le de Claudio D.
J. Dudley
J. Dudley

None of the scripts seem to work. The server has made a change in that it does not allow php mails due to the risks involved. I have also checked that the server IP has not been blocked by gmail. The server provider has indicated that there is an error in the mailing scripts. At the moment my software is completely unusable and with no orders incoming, I have no idea how much business I might be losing. could really use some advice. even the smtp script isnt working and apparently confirmation emails are also not being received by customers

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Posté le de J. Dudley
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Just as a thought, can you log in to your email account on your host and send an email (just to prove their smtp server does not have an issue.

Are you sending an emails using an email account on your host? (eg yourname at

My host has effectively stopped any emails being sent as an alias, eg I can send sales at, but I cannot send as sales at from my website.  They must come from the same domain I am using or they simply disappear without warning.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
J. Dudley
J. Dudley

I only use gmail email addresses. I dont use/havent set up emails for my domain

I have received an error report which may point to the culprit and hope it will allow you to make a suggestion.

error email below.


As per your discussion over phone with our admin Andy K, we have checked your issue and found below error logs on server.
[root@euk13 flics]# cat email_log.txt
[2018-01-20 00:06:25] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-20 00:06:25] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-20 00:04:20] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-20 00:04:20] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-15 13:36:20] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-15 13:36:20] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-15 12:29:23] Cannot send email with internal script
[2018-01-15 12:29:23] Cannot send email with internal script

As per error logs it seems that the issue is with the script which is configure to send an email from your website.
If you are using PHP mail() functions then we request you please use SMTP authentication in your script instead of PHP mail() function.
As PHP mail function is disabled on our server due to security reasons. PHP mail() function is vulnerable and causes an issue of spamming on server due to which we had disable the PHP mail() function on server.

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Posté le de J. Dudley
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Worth a try?

Create a user email address on your domain.

Use that email address as the sender.

Use simple SMTP to send the email.

If it works, you can do as I do. Go to settings in GMAIL, accounts and import, check mail from other accounts to retrieve any email that people might send to that address.

Due to the burgeoning amount of spam, no hosts that I use will allow sending of email other than from an email address on the host.

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Posté le de Esahc ..