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Fallen Soldier
Fallen Soldier

Blog Truncates All Posts After First?  en

Auteur : Fallen Soldier
Visité 1258, Followers 1, Partagé 48  
Mots-clés :: truncated

Is there a way to make it display all the content of each post on the main page without having to click Read all or atleast show more?

In the attached picture, both posts content are exactly the same.

Without showing at least some content of each post, this feature seems rather useless.

Posté le
Steve J.

It works in this (commonly used) way. The last added post is completly visible and all the others are collapsed. Actually we prefer this way to show the posts to avoid the page to be too long.

I'll report your request to see if we can add a sort of 'option' to expand all the posts immediatly. Wink

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Posté le de Steve J.
Fallen Soldier
Fallen Soldier


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Posté le de Fallen Soldier
Steve J.

Hi again!

Please note that if you select my answer as CORRECT the post will be closed and other users may immediatly see the correct answer!

ThanksTongue out

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Posté le de Steve J.