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Dave G.
Dave G.

Calendar Object not working correctly  en

Auteur : Dave G.
Visité 1565, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Calendar Object cause and error 12 couldn't create child process for ../pluginAppObj_24_52/fullcalendar.php, referer site/events.php.

In reading past articles fully understand that the Calendar is read only and not interactive which suits our purposes and have applied the file structure from post/172111 (instruction on how to properly create the ics file would be helpful as displayed method appears to be a calendar publish vs. saving the individual appointment as an ICS or VCS where only the first two digits of the time is displayed - with same error and intermittant display of events?).

Using this approach it appears the first to be displayed appointment shows (althougth text is not resized to fit the window and time is not displayed) e.g. if current month is May then that appointment shows but not the two appointments in April, however if refresh browser for April then the first appointment shows, but not the second or the one that originally showed in May. Check of the error logs shows the above error.

Website X5 v15 and LAMP Website using PHP 5.5

Website URL

Posté le
Dave G.
Dave G.

This is partially resolved by saving as a calendar with start and stop dates, then editing the ICS file to add 'DESCRIPTION' to the events and correcting the DTEND time. However, there does not appear to be a way to change the text size for a VEVENT in the calendar or specify any actions including mouse over to open the VEVENT, the only control in Object Style that appeared to work in changing the orientation from Centered to Left. Thus, are there ways to change the text size and specify actions i.e. open Calendar appointment or see the appointment on mouse over, as currently the appointment is only fully visible in the Day view?

Secondly, how compliant is this object with RFC2445 and are attributes such as 'ATTACH', 'SUMMARY' and 'LOCATION' supported to be able to add more information to the VEVENT? 

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Posté le de Dave G.
John S.
John S.

Hello Dave

Attach, summary and Location is not supported in the "full" calendar.

But it is supported in the free LuxCal calendar. With the LuxCal you can insert events without the need to upload anything, and you can also import events from ical-files and CSV-files.

When importing events, an attachment can of course not be imported- but you can import an event and then edit the event and add attachments. Attachments can be images, PDF-files and videos.

The LuxCal is really easy to handle ( especially the L-version ) and it is simple for a start. It has a lot of functionality, but you can "hide" this for the normal user.

I can make a full ( L-version ) installation in less than3 minutes. For a less experienced user it can be done in 5 minutes.

For a nice presentation of events, you can use the display that comes with the calendar.

An example of the display can be seen here :

You cannot have a totally open event, but you can for an event specify a start time and then check "rest of the day"

An event can span over more days, and an event can be recurring : If you have an event that takes place every the 1. of the month this can be specified. Or an event that happens every thursday - until a specified date.

You can see the evnttext when hovering an event. You can use thumbnails in events.

OR - you can keep on using the "full" calendar.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posté le de John S.
Dave G.
Dave G.

Thanks John, appreciate the examples - very cool. I had seen the posts on LuxCal, where our requirements are pretty basic and was hoping I was missing something as to make the Calendar functional and useable - now I want my 12 credits back as does not look like it is useable. 

Will be switching to LuxCal as need something that is useable.

Thanks again and Regards!


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Posté le de Dave G.
Stefano G.

Hi Dave.

I checked your purchase's details, and unfortunately, it looks like I will not be able to offer a refund for this object, since the 30 days time moneyback guarantee seems to have already expired by several months.

I would like to ask you to open a different Idea topic though, reporting your need for a deeper support to all of the calendars parameters, so that we can keep it under consideration for the future.

Let me know if I can provide further help


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Dave G.
Dave G.

Thanks Stefano, I will create an idea for this as my requirements did not require an interactive calendar, however Incomedia should consider that the current Calendar Object is basically unusable from an end user perspective.

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Posté le de Dave G.