Bug in X5/15 
Auteur : Raf V.I work with Website X5 for four years. In 15th edition I found nothing but problems. At this moment my editor is useless. When I want to revieuw the work I've done I got a complete empty page. Also in the editor when I click on a textbox I got a blanc space. I know that everyting is still in there and the pages are loading but are blanc. So I can't change anything.
To be sure I made a new project and started from scratch. I put a tekstbox on my new index-page and typed some tekst. Then I pressed the page-revieuw button. Guess what? still nothing was showing.
There must be a bug in your updates for X5/15. And it's not the first time i've had problems that i didn't have in edition 14.
I'm sick and tired of making new sites cause the program is not working properly.
I've a bussiness and no time for this.
I wil not recommend Website X5
Could you see if CTRL+preview (instead of just preview) fixes the issue in v15?
If the problem persists, and assuming you still have v14 installed, could you verify that this problem occurs only in v15 and not in v14 by creating a new project again?