Creating an online image library 
Auteur : Paul G.As a local history society, we would like to disclose our large image library and collection online.
The image bank should be searchable on tag, location, date/era,...
So far I have found no feeless/affordable software or plugin to use... especially not one that can be adapted to the website colour scheme or looks modern enough...
If possible, in a further stage maybe pictures could be sold as digital downloads or downloaded for free.
To be honest, I haven't used the e-commerce option of WebsiteX5 as yet... but I am going to check it out.
Maybe an adapted version of the e-commerce plugin could be created or a WebsiteX5 plugin that would suit my and likely the needs of many other.
Here are 2 examples just to give an idea.
An example of an "ancient-looking" software written in Perl but working with some good features: Software Link:
Example of a modern design:
Hello Paul
You should see X5 as a tool for building websites.
I think you shall not wait for the X5 to do something like that. There is a lot of things that should come first : Fixing some bugs, a real webshop and then a lot of other stufff like better database capabilities.
I recommend you look at what already is made for presenting photos.
You could start here :
I can recommend the Zenphoto ( ).
You can see an example here : ( look at this example first )
You can see a test-example integrated in a X5-webpage here :
The second example is set up with aa theme that allows "autiplay" - you can select a new album by clicking on "Galleri"
If the images is geotagged you can see the images on Google maps by clicking on "Google Map".
The images can be tagged, and you can even make albums of images already in the system by making an album on the tagged value you give an image.
There are several predefined themes that can be used and styled as you wish.
Kind regards
John S.
By the way - The Zenphoto is very affordable - it is free.
If we are not talking of many images, you could of course make pages with images and/or galleries on the pages. This will function quite OK.
If we are talking of many images, you can forget this way to do it. Then you HAVE to have a tool/program designed for image/photo presentation and handling.
The shop in X5 could be used to sell some especially good/valuable photos.
But you cannot have an image presented in the shop, and then a price for the image in different resolutions and or in different formats (jpg,png ). The X5 system cannot handle this.
As you write : "large image library" I think the only way is, to use a program made for images, like the Zenphoto.
I know you have posted it as an idea, but if you want something in this century, then you should not wait for INCOMEDIA to produce a useable solution.
BUT - you could make pages where you have the images as links to images you have on your server. But this would not be a userfriendly "system" to maintain.
Kind regards
Hi John,
Thanks for the info! Just an idea for WebsiteX5...
I'll certainly check the software you recommended out.
Kind regards