Prevent to download pictures 
Auteur : E M.
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I use website X5 Evolution 15.
I enabled mouse rightclick to prevent pictures from downloading.
Ik works fine on mij win 10 desktop and tablet.
However on my mobile phone (android) it does not work.
When i push on a picture I can choose to download the picture.
Mobile phone is using google as webbrowser.
How can I prevent this
Posté le
You can always download the picture if you show it, it's the basis of internet, to share information. if people can view it with there browser they have it on there pc.
If you don't want users to have it then don't set it om internet,. put a big text on it or show only a very small picture or something like that en let them pay and ask for the real thing.
Best Regards
Make your image the back ground of your element (table cell for example) and then place a transparent gif over the image that matches the dimensions. They right click and save they get the transparent gif. They will have to dig through the code to get the image.
This will not stop them, but will slow down most.
As mentioned before, you don't want them to have it...don't put it up. That or watermark your images.
Robert - nothing stops someone hitting print screen
I know that there are possibility's to download photos after all. However, website X5 has the possibility to enable html code protection. In other words, it is trying to make it more difficult and that is what matters. However, it does not work in windows in android (mobile phone) or in IOS. Therefore my question is whether it is possible in android and IOS and if not in a next update to implement this. Then it connects to the security protection website X5 code in windows.
... to stop or annoy the less experienced: >> see and try ...
... press Ctrl + U to see the code used.
...!... check on those "mobile" devices android and IOS....!...
... you can get a good result by pasting this code in the BODY statements, or in Step_1(*) or in Page Properties(*):
oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" onmousedown="return false"
(*) - The Expert section | ▪Custom Code: ▼BODY tag property(ie style, onload, etc.) (that is, as part of the <BODY> tag
(HTML = <body oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" onmousedown="return false"> )
(IT) ... per fermare o innervosire i meno esperti: >> vedi e prova ...
... verifica su quei dispositivi "mobile" android and IOS.
... azionare Ctrl+U per vedere il codice usato.
... puoi ottenere un buon risultato incollando questo codice nelle dichiarazioni del BODY, o al Passo_1(*) o in Proprietà della Pagina(*)
oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" onmousedown="return false"
(*) - sezione esperto | ▪codice personalizzato | >Proprietà del tag BODY (es style, onload, ecc.)
(HTML = <body oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" onmousedown="return false"> )
I copy and paste the code into photoblogger however it does not work.
I still can download pictures in android when pushing on a picture.
On your link "see and try" i can download the butterfly picture on my android phone
Hello there,
at the moment, you can prevent the download of the pictures you placed on your website by enabling, like you did, the option Enable HTML Code Protection. A part from this, you can also place some watermarks on your pictures: in this way, even in downloaded the photos would not be usable somewhere else.
You can place watermarks in the Image Object, by clicking on Image Editor > Watermark.
Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.
... I'm sorry, and thanks for the test.
... possibly make a test with this> example ...
IT) ... mi dispiace, e grazie per il test.
... eventualmente fai una prova con questo > esempio ...
On windows 10 i can downlad the picture and also on my IOS tablet
However on my android mobile phone it is blocked
Hello Elisa,
I know that I can place watermarks, but that is not the intention. The photos are less beautiful.
So I am looking for a script or something so the pictures cannot be downloaded in Android ans IOS.
>> last example ... ... bye
In windows 10 the right click is disabled however on mij android phone i cannot see the picture. I get a 404 error
in costruzione
Have you considered simply letting your users have the images if they want them so badly?
If you run WX5 Optimzer through your project, each image can be reduced to the minimum resolution suitable for the devise it is being viewed on. This will be nowhere near the native resolution or quality of the original images you hold, but will look great at the appropriate resolutions when viewing your site.
... page 404...!?... does not result. ...On Android I see regularly...
I see on Android: Sito dedicato a test in PHP,... in construzione
... smartphone + tablet > Android ... (stamp + foto)
I went to on my android phone (android 6.0) and now I have a blank page. I do not see the butterfly
I'm sorry; unfortunately I do not understand the problem.
As you could see from my STAMP, my example is regularly seen on all the "mobile" devices I've checked, win10, ios, android, chrome, firefox ...
>>here I put a JPEG image
... more I can not tell you ...
(IT) - Mi dispiace; purtroppo non capisco del problema.
Come hai potuto vedere dai miei STAMP, il mio esempio si vede regolarmente su tutti i dispositivi "mobile" che ho controllato, win10, ios, android, chrome, firefox...
>> qui ho messo una immagine JPEG
... di più non posso dirti...
Hello, I now can see the picture on my windows 10 desktop and android phone
Just let them download, and then search for your images with google image, and when you find someone using your images send them a bill - if they don't pay, take them to court for copyright infringement, you will win every time. Make sure you have a higher resolution master image so you can prove you own the image..... make some money from other people's piracy!