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One C.
One C.

Version 16.1.1 does not preview Part 2  en

Auteur : One C.
Visité 800, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Dont know why the old Thread is closed but okay....

Ive still the preview issue.

I dont use any Firewall except the windows standard one(turned it off)

Virus is Kaspersky Free so without firewall(turned it off)

After trying all and turned off all(cant be the solution anyway)

Ive still no working preview anymore and as i said in the old thread already, it starts with the last update.

Posté le
Stefano G.

Hi One.

I'm sorry if a thread regarding this was closed before you actually got an answer.

Was it one of your threads? Or was it somebody else's? Would it be possible for you to link it here to me?

What project doesn't show the preview? Your main one only? what if you create a new test project. Does it work then? Or is it non working for every project?

Keep me posted


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Posté le de Stefano G.
One C.
One C.

Hi Stefano,

its not working for every project(new ones too).

Im going to set up an clean install for windows today. If the problem will be not solved after this, ill post here again.

Thanks in advance.

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Posté le de One C.