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Luis F.
Luis F.

Responsive design objects not resizing properly  en

Auteur : Luis F.
Visité 2722, Followers 1, Partagé 0  


This affects v.16 and v.17 of Website X5...

It does not matter if it is a text box or an object (like the "Testimonial") but the page will not resize the objects according to the screen size.  Instead, the text moves out of the text boxes down the page or in the case of using the Testimonial object it simply cuts out the text with no option to scroll or pinch-in/out to see the but out info...

There is no need for me to upload a sample since you can easily duplicate this issue by starting a new blank project.  Set it to be responsive for multiple screens from a regular destop to a smartphone, and just insert some text boxes with scrolling text or the Testimonial with a 3 or more sentences and you will see for yourself...

Of course that on the regular desktop screen or even a tablet it will work fine... the problem is when using a smaller mobile device.

What can I do to fix this?  Is there a secret place to type in some CSS or something that will fix this?

Please help.

NOTE:  I had made another post similar, but not quite the same... in that other post the problem was that text boxes were not showing scrollbars... now that is fixed... this is about text falling out of the text box or cuttin the information with no option to view in the Testimonial object.

Posté le
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


The scrolling effect is automatically disabled for anything but desktop view (always has been).

I have always overcome this by hiding the text box with the scrolling text at lower resolutions, but either above or below I provide a link to a pdf of the important information I wish people to read. This also lets the user keep or print a copy if they wish.

Please also be aware that there are currently a number of issues with the scrolling text option in v17.0.6 (eg long text truncated, stop on mouse over does not work) that hopefully will be repaired in the next or subsequent update.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Luis F.
Luis F.


Thanks for replying...

An update was release today and it does make things better for text boxes... the text inside the text boxes does not fly out ontop of other things anymore... instead, it keeps the text within the text box and, since you said that scrollbars disapear at lower resolution on mobiles - but not the desktop, it enlarges the text box to display the full content... this acceptable, and maybe even more convenient.  Adding a PDF option is not a good option for me... that's redundant work at this time.

The objects, such as the Testimonial, still truncates the information though... it would be nice it they would behave as the text box does: on mobiles, enlarge the object until it displays the full contents...

If the Testimonial content has only five os so words there is no problem... but when there are two or three or so sentenes then it will not dynamically adjust size depending on the mobile devise AND even on a desktop computer, instead, it just cuts off the text... NOTE:  the object does dynamicllay change size, external size... BUT the internal size which contains the text DOES NOT change accordingly... it just cuts off the text.

Any advise on how to help display the full contents when on mobiles when using the Testimonial object?

Any help will be appreciated... again, for the Testimonial object - since the text box issue was fixed with this last update.

Thank you.

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Posté le de Luis F.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luis, can you provide a link to your site?

I am a little reluctant to purchase the testimonial object just to verify your issue, if your site is available perhaps Incomedia can rectify the problem if they can first see the problem?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Hi Luis.

I've had trouble correctly testing this rendering issue out and would like to ask you to upload the version of the website which presents the issue in a subfolder of your hosting.

Then, share the URL to it here with me. This way, the website will not be visible  to your users as we perform the tests.

Do so and keep me posted so that I might properly verify what exactly is happening in your situation

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Luis F.
Luis F.

Hello Esahc and Stefano G.

I attached here a zip file containing a blank site with only the addon Testimonial... just double click the index.html and risize the browser window...

You will notice that the "smalest" screen size and the "full" screen size on a computer desktop (and mobiles) will be rezised properly... but not the other sizes in between...

You can replicate this issue easily by simply creating a BLANK responsive design project, then simply add the Testimonial project, then add some text and choose the max dimentions if needed and/or add extra rows or collumns to the GRID layout of Website X5 to display better the content and preview it... it's that easy to replicate the issue.

Thanks for helping.

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Posté le de Luis F.
Luis F.
Luis F.


"...then simply add the Testimonial project..."

is supposed to say:

"...then simply add the Testimonial addon..."

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Posté le de Luis F.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Please supply your testimonial test project as an iwzip.

Go to step 5 and export project, then provide it here (if you are not familiar with this process, please do it for the practise. An iwzip is a far more reliable form of backup than any other in WX5 which works across PC's and versions (newer versions can always read older iwzips)).

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Luis F.
Luis F.

Esahc... thank you for helping... I greatly appreciate it.

I mean no disrespect at all ,but, I am also reluctanct to provide the iwzip file - BUT only because I don't know if when providing the project in that way I will also be providing the "Testimonial" object free-of-charge, and as you know it's a paid addon... I don't want to break any copyright laws...

Stefano G., since you work for Incomedia, can you let me know if it is allowed to provide the project which will contain extra paid objects (if it actually does) as a iwzip file?

And for future reference, if this is needed again, is it allowed by Incomedia to upload the website project as an iwzip file without breaking any laws for any PAID extra addons?

Please forgive me for inquring on this matter (and for my ignorance on the ussage of the iwzip files), but I live in a country where lawsuits are almost... the core of this society.


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Posté le de Luis F.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luis, the iwzip will include the testimonial, but I will not be able to use it (it will be read only) unless I buy it as far as I know.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Stefano, scusami se mi intrometto ma il problema è molto semplice e credo che voi stiate perdendo troppo tempo: su tutti gli Oggetti a pagamento del Vostro Marketplace i testi che si possono inserire non sono mai stati responsive. Io credo (se non è cambiato qualcosa negli ultimi giorni) che tali testi non sono ancora responsive e credo che sia proprio quello il problema al quale fa riferimento Luis. Lo riscontrano tutti gli utenti quel problema sin da quando avete iniziato a vendere gli oggetti a pagamento. Logicamente se affianchi su una riga più oggetti testimonial e i testi contenuti in tali oggetti hanno una dimensione font elevata, vedrai che al ridimensionamento della Pagina i testi (se non si usano le interruzioni di riga) finiranno tutti al di fuori dell'Oggetto Testimonial o saranno tagliati (è così per tutti i vostri Oggetti a pagamento). Spero di averti aiutato ad inquadrare prima il problema. Ciao e buon lavoro.

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Posté le de Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Google Translate:

Stefano, I'm sorry if I'm intruding but the problem is very simple and I think you're losing too much time: on all the paid objects of your Marketplace the texts that you can enter have never been responsive. I believe (if something has not changed in the last days) that these texts are not yet responsive and I think that is precisely the problem to which Luis refers. This problem has been found by all users since you started selling paid items. Logically if you place multiple testimonial objects on one line and the texts contained in these objects have a high font size, you will see that when the page is resized the texts (if you do not use line breaks) will all end up outside the Testimonial Object or cut (this is the case for all your paid Objects). I hope I helped you to identify the problem. Hello and good work.

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Posté le de Giuseppe Guida
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Thankyou Giuseppe, that puts the issue back with Incomedia or at least points out a known limitation of the object :-)

Did it ever work as expected in earlier versions though?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Luis F.
Luis F.

Grazie mille Giuseppe.  È confermato che l'errore è con l'addon.


Do note that it works fine with the full screnn and the smallest mobile screen layout... it simply will not wrap-aournd the text with the other 2 views...

This means the code of the Testimonial addon already works... partially...

The code simply needs to be revized...

Please Incomedia... can you fixe the Testimonial code so that it will autozesize and wrap-around acordingly? Please.  All the other addons do not need this... only the Testimonial does...

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Posté le de Luis F.
Stefano G.

Hi Luis.

I believe with the default text I can see the issue you mention. Is it this?

If this is the case, I can confirm that also due to the fact that the object is attempting to keep its size ratioed correctly when the screen becomes smaller, it will mandatorily cut part of the text off to make it sure the display is correct.

Now, there is currently two way to improve this behavior in your case I believe. Please try these out and let me know if perhaps the situation improved for you.

1_ First of all, take a look at the size option. You can already handle part of the issue there:

2_ According to how tall the content of each box is, think carefully about how many you wish to have on a single line

3_ After evaluating the previous step properly, make use of the responsive ordering functionality:

As you can see in my upcoming screenshots, I was able to workaround the issue by changing the way the items get displayed in different resolutions:

I hope this will be useful to you, but let me know if I can help you further with this here

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Luis F.
Luis F.

Stefano G.

Thank you for helping.

Yes, ajusting the size (dpi) helps, I had tried that already, and also when you set it to "Extend" - it works even better - but then it cancels the purpose of having a testimonial on a small part of the page... I also tried the "Responsive" option you sugested and setting different setting for each view layout... and it did help more, but only if the Testimonial contained very little text...

In the end, I opted for not using the "Testimonial" object anymore and instead I'm using a simple text box... that one does resize to whatever is needed on any screen layout... the only problem is when I want a picture next to the text box where the picture will be before or after the textbox in different screen layouts with a gap of space (regardless of the margin settings, even if set to zero for both text box and image), but not next to the text - as it is with the "Testimonial" object... this is much closer to what we need... if only I could get the text box and the image to be very very close... oh well... but is much better than the Testimonial though...

For now, this is the solution I have found.

Thank you Stefano.  If I find a better way I will keep you posted so other can know too.

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Posté le de Luis F.