Unable to connect to Server 
Auteur : Mario T.Hi,
I did several uploap to the server without problem. After some changes to my web, Website X5 gives me the following error (version 17) : Unable to connect to Server. Generic Error. (Socket error 10014 occured).
I already try/verify :
1) Create a new site ant try to upload. Same problem.
2) Paste the Password in the "Session profile". Same problem.
3) Transfert files with FileZilla and it's worked. So, this is a problem with Website X5.
4) Restart my computer. Same problem.
5) Verify the WebSite Address (URL).
6) I did export my Website to a disk. Verify that the content is correct : I opened the index.html file and it's fine. Transfer it to the server with FileZilla. It's worked but the content is an old version of my Website ...!!!!
Any cue ???
Why an old website on internet->
1. you uploaded to a wrong folder. so check correct upload folder on your webserver.
2, you did not refresh your browser with F5 when visiting the website.
Why an error on cennecting?
-> maybe also wrong folder in x5, delete destination folder (make it empty) then try again, choose correct folder, then let x5 set this folder for you (it will ask this)
Try different port (normally 21) try to set or unset gzip compression.
Thanks for your advise.
For 6) issue in my precedent post, it was a cache problem.
I still have the "Unable to connect to Server. Generic Error. (Socket error 10014 occured)". With the same Session Profile, it was working previously with X5. I use the same information in FileZilla and it's working. I tried to change the Port, empty the destination folder, set/unset gzip compression ... but still have the problem.
strange, it must be information that you set in x5, don't copy past! type in correct information, see that there are no empty spaces behind the typed information and be aware of capitals. x5 does not do any thing different from filezilla.
So look for it in the information set.
Else try restart of pc / x5 but i assume it's a information setting.
I did enter the password manually, restart my computer ... and I still have the problem. As I said, it was working before. I did change some pages, but I did not change anything the Session Profile. An the problem occurs.
Do you have the possibility to try this on a different pc? If so please try.
It solved by itself ...
It could also be a temperarly problem at your profider or connection.