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Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

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Auteur : Bordás Jenő
Visité 1739, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Dear Website!

Unfortunately, a program freezes the cut and copy.

Cell effects cause incorrect appearance.

The order of the respondents includes everything to make sure that this results in very slow work.

Thank you for your response in advance.

Jenő Bordás

Tisztelt Website!

Sajnos a program lefagy a kivág és másolás közben.

A cella efektek hibás megjelenést okoznak.

A responziv sorrend beállításnál minden kattintásnál legalább egy percig dolgozik, ez így nagyon lassú munkát eredményez.

Válaszukat előre is köszönöm.

Bordás Jenő

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bordás, I have had this situation. In my case it was caused by a windows update (win10) in progress that I was not aware of. On completion of the update and after a restart of the PC the issue disappeared.

If this does not resolve your issue, please detail your problems (eg cell effects cause incorrect appearance - please detail which effect/s you are using and perhaps provide screen shots of the problem)

Please also be aware that other factors can impact WX5, you could try the following:

Do not work across network or USB drives, temporarily disable one-drive, temporarily disable or remove anti-virus/malware/firewall.

Good luck!

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Dear Website!

If the attached image is switched on, the cell effects will not work properly.(Zoom in)

I solved the rest of the problem.


Ha a mellékelt kép van van kapcsolva, hogy a cella efektek hibásan működnek. (zoom in)

A többit problémát megoldottam.

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Once the cell is cut and deleted, it will freeze again.
I've restarted the machine several times

A cella kivágás és törlés után megint lefagy a program.
Már többször is ujraindíttotam a gépet

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bordás, if you create a new project and place the same picture in a cell with the same effect, does this fail?

If you have not done so already, please go to step 5 and export project. This will create an iwzip file in case of catastrophe.

Assuming the issue is on one page only, can you create a new page, recreate the problem page, then delete the original page and rename the new page. Does this resolve the problem?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Unfortunately, nothing helped.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bordás, if you create a new project and place the same picture in a cell with the same effect, does this fail?

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Unfortunately, I'm doing something wrong with the look.

new project
new picture

None of them improved the situation.

Don't know that this may cause a problem that website 14 15 is also installed?

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bordás, I cannot reproduce the problem I'm sorry, can you go to step 5, export and attach the iwzip here?

I assume if I use this project and delete the object or the cell this will crash WX5??

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

I have already exported and then imported, but not improved.

The WX5 problem, I have imported it from there, but it didn't help.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I can look if you are willing to provide the new project.iwzip??

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Hi Jenő

if you're able to reproduce the issue on a brand new project which contains no sensitive information for you, feel free to attach it here so that we might verify the issue.

You can do so through an external service such as WeTransfer should it be too big in size:

Upload your .iwzip project online, then select "link" and generate the download link that you can post here on Help Center.

Keep us posted on this

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


I downloaded your test project and was able to freely delete cell, cut cell, remove image, replace object in a cell, etc without causing any lockup or freezing I am sorry. If this freezing persists please make sure you always click save before preview and perhaps hold ctrl when clicking preview (to look at multiple web pages when previewing). If this does not help, please advise.


I also found that if the image mouse over effect jump is turned on (or pulse or zoom and text) then the cell effect Zoom In will not work properly.  Try turning off mouse over effects for the image.

In cell effects there are a number of effects that can be set to repeat at timed intervals but unfortunately these are not mouse-over related.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő


I've already solved the cut and copy problem.

I would like to ask for help with the cell effect and the mouse action.

I wouldn't want to turn one off.

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Bordás, the attached project demonstrates the problem so Incomedia can identify the problem easily. The home page is identical to page 1 except on page 1 I have turned on image mouse over effect jump, as stated above pulse causes the same issue and zoom and text  causes a similar issue.

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

all right, look forward to the solution. :)

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I do hope you will be patient :-)

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Posté le de Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Good day Bordas, Esahc.

Thanks to your accurate examination, I was able to properly report the issue to the developers so that they might take a look at it.

I will be sure to notify you here as soon as news on this matter become available

Thank you for your feedback


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

I am patient :)

I thank you for your help and the great program. :)

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Stefano G.

Hi Bordás,

I would like to inform you that an update is available for testing which addresses your issue, should you be part of the BETA program.

You can read more about it here in case you are not and wish to join:

Keep in mind that this update will not be available should your Upgrade Protection have expired for longer than 14 days now.

If you have the chance to test it out, please leave me a feedback here

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Dear Stefano!

I crashed, but unfortunately there is still a problem with the combination of mouse-engraving.


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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

But after further experimentation, the problem is only one page

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Stefano G.

Hi Bordas.

What if you remove the Object and try to reinsert it? From my tests, the previous issue seems resolved. Perhaps there is a new combination you found that still presents issues? If so, please let me know here so that I might proceed to testing that too

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Only this page produces the error.

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Stefano G.

Hi Bordás 

I was able to verify the issue and I proceeded to notifying the developers of this again so that further checks can be done.

In the meantime, you might wanna try to rebuild the page from scratch. See if the issue is still there. If it is, we'll wait for the developers' answers to the issue, and I will be sure to let you know that here as soon as possible

Thank you for your patience and understanding


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

I wanted to avoid this to rebuild the page.

If I build it again, there is no problem only if I make a copy / paste from the faulty page

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Hi Stefano
I started rebuilding the faulty page, but the effect / appearance problem appeared halfway through.
In fact, as I tried setting the mouse to the mouse, there are several problems when the effect function is enabled

Elkezdtem ujra építeni a hibás oldalt, de a felénél ujra jelentkezett az efekt/megjelenés probléma.

Söt ahogy probálgattam az egér rávitel beállítást több probléma is előjön ha az efekt funkció be van kapcsolva

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Posté le de Bordás Jenő
Stefano G.

Hi Bordas.

I'm sorry to hear about this. There must be some kind of specific situation where this error is generated, and the developers are still working on the project file you sent me before.

As soon as news on this become available, I will be sure to notify you here

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we keep working on this

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Bordás Jenő
Bordás Jenő

Thank you :)

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