When will The x5 Optimizer be updated? 
Auteur : Rachel A.
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Hi, When will the Website X% OPtimizer be updated to work with V 17.1.2? i find that it is an essential tool for seo and would appriciate an update!
Kind regards Rachel
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Hi Rachel,
thank you for your message.
Unfortunately, a new update for WebSite X5 Optimizer has not been released yet, I am sorry about this. I also unfortunately don't have any news about a release date. I noted down your message so to keep you posted.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thanks elisa, have you any suggestions for bringing down the size of my images for seo purposes within the software. Is "resample" where i should go? they are set to bilinear at the moment. My site is 305MB at the moment
Many thanks for your prompt responce
"old school"website creators simply resized images as large as they expected them to be displayed
I still use irfanview (free) to resize images as appropriate before inserting into the site (generally I use 1024 width)
The new update to WebSite X5 Optimizer 1.10.0 is now available.
Thanks! Kind regards.