Unable to upload to server 
Auteur : Christine C.
Visité 1993,
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Hi I was able to upload to my server with diffrent websites over many years, now on all my website I am unable to upload to my server see attchment with what I am being told. I have disable the FTP but it makes no difference,can you help so I can upload my websites to the server Many Thanks Christine
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Hello.Contact your hosting provider and inform them about this error.You may need to change connection settings, destination folder, etc.
"I have disable the FTP" - if you disabled FTP on the hosting, then this is the cause of the error. Enable FTP.
I am the one that has acess to the hosting settings and I have not changed anything, it just started to happen within the last 3 days but have contacted the main server help desk and awaiting for them to responsed many thanks for the reply to my problem
Perhaps something has changed on the server.
Try disabling your antivirus and firewall. Try unloading the site through another internet connection.
Check your server IP - my hosting company changed the IP and didn't advise - so the upload failed until i updated.
They have actually done this several times over the years without warning.
I havetried all the sugestion but none work, What I find quite puzzerling is that all my websites uploaded
and had done for years then all of a sunden I get the error message shown in my a
attched document, and now none will upload. I do need help Please, Thank You Christine
"but have contacted the main server help desk and awaiting for them to responsed many thanks for the reply to my problem " - did you get an answer?
response from my server is that everything is fine and no changes have been made, they say its not the server.Christine
Try to connect to hosting with FileZilla with the same settings as for WebSite X5. Write about the result.
I have tried FileZilla and the same their , quite worryed as cannot update my websites Christine
"I have tried FileZilla and the same their" - If so, write to your hosting provider.This situation must be solved on their side.Perhaps they block your IP.
Have spoken to hosting and they said there is no problem their end, it getting to the situation that having had
X5 since version 7 with no problems using all versions up to 14 and then out of the blue I cannot upload 3 of my websites to the server,
its been days with X% and they take so long to come back when I respond to them,
X5 help desk is very poor a week as gone past and I am fed up with X% Regards Christine
Hallo Christine,
was aber auch sein könnte, ist das der Speicher beim Hoster voll ist. Kann an der Mail (Postfach voll) oder auch an zu geringen Speicherplatz.
Prüfen Sie mal nach (Vertrag) wie viel Speicherplatz Sie zu verfügung haben. Prüfen Sie nach (wenn Mail auch über den Hoster laufen) ob das Postfach voll ist.
Ich hatte auch schon mal das Problem und da war es das Postfach.
Hello Christine,
but what could be, is that the memory at the hoster is full.Can be sent to the mail (mailbox full) or too small space.
Check for (contract) how much space you have available.Check (if mail is also sent through the hoster) if the mailbox is full.
I also had the problem and it was the PO box.
Haben Sie es schon mal mit FileZilla probiert. Dieser zickt weniger rum als der Export ins Internet von INCO.
Have you ever tried FileZilla?This zickt less rum than the export to the Internet of INCO.
Christine, please continue your quest on https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/fr/post/210087 it is too difficult to assist through 2 separate posts for the same issue.