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Jacques V.
Jacques V.

Slide show popups action url or file gallery object  en

Auteur : Jacques V.
Visité 1731, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Dear all,

Subject: gallery object ---- Links action ---> File or url (bestand of url in Dutch)

I was in a big shop (Mediamarkt). I tested my site ( on several devices.

I was surprised to see that the popups in the gallery object (slideshow) function very badly on all kinds of brands of tablets. (androids especially).

If one quickly puts his finger on a picture nothing happens. If the visitor of the site searches alaong the lower border sometimes something happens...  If bad luck another popup appears with all kind of questions of the browser (copy picture etc.). Below it the wanted popup with information of the site appears (if one is lucky). This all happens in version 2019. I think there is interference of the popup of the site with the popup-system of the browser....

In version 16 the gallery blocked in some cases on some smartphones when using popups...

On a laptop or a normal computer everything works perfect (windows). I haven't looked at other systems here....

Best regards,

Jacques V.

attached: a jpg-file

Posté le
Stefano G.

Hi Jacques

I've attempted to test your website on different devices, but I haven't been able to notice exactly what seems to be the issue for you in this case.

Do you perhaps have any kind of screenshot or video that can display this clearly and that you can send here to me?

From my tests, the links are always displayed correctly, unless of course only a specific page displayed the problem and I missed it

Please provide additional information on the issue for me so that I might verify this better for you

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Jacques V.
Jacques V.

I was in a computershop. There it happened. The popupscreen on different images did'nt function.

I can't go back and ask screenprint in a shop that has the intention of selling computers.

Perhaps ... the internet connection is slow with that many devices in the shop connected to the internet...

Best regards,

Jacques V

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Posté le de Jacques V.
Stefano G.

Hi Jacques.

Unfortunately, from different devices of both brand and models, I wasn't able to encounter this issue. Perhaps something in the network's conditions of the shop is interfering with the proper display of the website, this is impossible for me to determine.

If you have the possibility, please test this with every device you can get your hands on, and eventually report the issue here to me so that I might analyze it further for you

Thank you for your understanding and keep me posted here should anything new come up


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Posté le de Stefano G.