Scrolling problem in a table on the cellphone 
Auteur : Sace Webmaster
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I use a page with a table with 3 tabs and responsive design.
If I select this page on my cellphone I can well scroll horizontally and vertically the table cells.
As soon as I move once to another tab of that table, the horizontal and vertical scrolling in the table cells of the selected tab does not work. If I then move back to the first tab, the scrolling doesnt work either. I have to move back to the homepage, then select the page with the table to make the scrolling work as desribe earlier
The problem is only present on cellphones, not on PC's.
Posté le tabs...?...
Sorry, but I do not understand at all your 2 comment. Can you be please be a little bit more specific.
Thank you.
As the scrolling behaviour of the tabs is changing after having selected a tab, I conclude that either this is a bug or I 'm not using correctly the table object.
(It > En) ... link is universal, clear also to me that I don't speak English ...
... ie the link of your page; for example this is a link:
Nico, it will not help you but YES, I can reproduce the problem!
On a mobile when the page is first displayed, the first tab (Lac) has a table in it and when you use your finger to scroll or swipe left/right the table scrolls, after tapping any tab (including Lac) this funtionality is gone. Then tapping on any other tab (Fosse or Piscine) the functionality changes and swiping left or right navigates between tabs (does not scroll the table). There is no way to scroll the table in either Fosse or Piscine tab when using a mobile.
I have marked your post for attention by incomedia so they can confirm this situation (although I doubt the solution will become available in the short term).
(It > En) ... ... as you can see, the LINK is worth more than a hundred words and suppositions ...
... having used the tables, the cell text is not completely visible in the smartphone; ...i don't think we can solve with the program...
... currently the only possible remedy would be to use a code of my invention to obtain elastic tables; this:
<!-- ===== K===== -->
<style> table {word-break: break-all;} </style>
<script> $( document ).ready(function() { $("table").css("width", "");}); </script>
<!-- ===== K===== -->
... code to insert in the Expert panel | Custom Code | option: Before closing the TAG HEAD ...
...!... then, after trying my code and updating the page on the net, for any problems with the vertical scroll in the smartphone, we could integrate another code invented by me, and in the case then we will see what to do...!...
Hello Nico
I was able to reproduce the situation and can confirm that surely seems to be a weird issue. Keep in mind that considering the fact that tabs are programmed to work in this specific way, meaning that they are supposed to change once you swipe on them, it is to be expected that overlapping another element which uses a similar logic could cause conflicts between the two.
I will report the matter to the developers so that further light can be shed on this and will make sure to report you here once news becomes available
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
Tabs are useless if you cannot properly scroll through their content at any moment.
Maybe your developers should get in contact with KolAsim who seems to have a solution to this bug.
Thank you