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Mr Shine
Mr Shine

Why does my website doesnt display properly on my mobile phone.  nl

Auteur : Mr Shine
Visité 1253, Followers 1, Partagé 0  


I made a responsive website with webx5 v19 but when i want to see this on my smartphone it doesnt strech the website to the whole display ( see the photo plz ) does anybody know what the problem might be?

Often it springs back and fort when am scrolling. but often its just like the pictures you see.

please advice, thanx you

Posté le
Stefano G.

Good day to you

From your screenshot it is kind of hard to understand exactly what seems to be going on. Did you find that your website can be scrolled horizontally as well? Could you perhaps attach the URL to your website here for me to test?

If that is in fact what is happening, is it very likely that some Object is going outside its boundaries perhaps due to the fact that it is sized too big.

Please let me know the URL to the website here so that I might test this out for you

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
Mr Shine
Mr Shine

Hi Stefano,

I double checked if some objects were going outside the frame but that wasnt the case. you can check my website at

On desktop its looking good but only when I look at it on my smartphone as if its not balanced properly.

Best Regards

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Posté le de Mr Shine
Stefano G.

Good day to you

I've found two possible responsive issues which you should check. One is the menu size is mobile resolution which in fact goes outside its borders. The other is an image in the page:

Try to verify both these elements and keep me posted on this

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.