User Orders is blank, does not work on the web 
Auteur : Yavor R.
Visité 1545,
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I have completed the steps below in WebSite X5 Pro 2019.2.7 and tested on server with PHP versions: 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1
- Link a database to the project
- Set up automatic user registration
- Configure the online store
- Define how I want to present and sell my goods
And so. In locked page "orders" I created "User Orders" and "Logout".
"User Orders" is empty.
Site test (order with user registration and login)
I'll be grateful for any ideas!
Posté le
Hello.I checked your site.Order - 190728-KD74. You have errors:
I recommend using PHP 7.1. I also recommend analyzing server logs. Perhaps your hosting is blocking some requests. Contact the technical support of your hosting provider.
Thank you again, Aleksej!
I use PHP 7.1, but from the logs I did not understand anything :)
The hosting company has not answered yet...
Can I send the logs to your e-mail address (listed in the order) if you can analyze them?
When you can, of course.
And so, errors from file error_log
Most mistakes look like this:
There are also several lines with this type:
Hi Yavor
I've attempted to register an account on your website but I can't seem to get it activated correctly. Could you share a test user's access credentials here with me for testing?
From the screenshot that Aleksej presented, it seems like this might be caused by some kind of custom code.
Did you insert any perhaps?
Please check this while you provide the credentials for testing here so that I might try your page out
Thank you
Привет явор
Я пытался зарегистрировать учетную запись на вашем сайте, но я не могу правильно ее активировать. Не могли бы вы поделиться со мной учетными данными доступа тестового пользователя для тестирования?
Из скриншота, представленного Алексеем, кажется, что это может быть вызвано каким-то нестандартным кодом.
Вы вставили что-нибудь, возможно?
Пожалуйста, проверьте это, пока вы предоставляете учетные данные для тестирования здесь, чтобы я мог попробовать вашу страницу
Interesting ... to avoid bothering you with the Bulgarian language, I changed the language of the site in English and now the orders are working.
When I set up the translation into Bulgarian, something happened. I will return the original BG translation and see what happens
When I customized the BG language I exported it, edited it in Notepad ++ I deleted the language in the program. After this I imported my XML file into Website X5.
I will write again after restoring the language file and uploading the site again.
I found the problem. Only available when is selected Content language: BG-Bulgarian.
Syntax error (quotes) on line 50 in main.js file (pluginAppObj_33_02)
showErrorRegisterCustomers("За да използвате този обект, трябва да:","сте създали електронната търговия;","сте активирали опцията "Позволи за регистрация на потребители" в Shopping Cart | Информация за клиента.","Повече информация за");
After editing the file in the project folders (Preview and Upload), removing the extra quotes in line 50, everything is OK
When I restart the program, these changes disappear and everything is as it was before.
Hi Yavor
Thank you for your tests. I can confirm the issue with the Bulgarian language
I've reported the matter to the developers so that the issue can be addressed on the PluginApp
As soon as news on this becomes available I will notify you here
Thank you for your patience