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Jim R.
Jim R.

Unable To Upload To Internet  en

Auteur : Jim R.
Visité 1936, Followers 2, Partagé 21  
Mots-clés :: files,passive,server,upload

I am running Evolution 8 on a Windows7 PC. I am unable to upload my website to my hosting ISP. I have entered the FTP address, username and password as specified by the ISP, but on pressing the "Next" button I receive the message "Unable to view list of files present on the server". Can you please help?

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . seems to be a server problem - possibly insufficiant rights ?

Without sreenshot and knowledge of hoster and packet booked difficult to resolve.

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Jim R.
Jim R.

Thanks Pcssa for a quick response. I'm your average computer user (ie I know just enough to get by), so I'll answer as best I can.

  • Not sure what you mean by "insufficient rights", but I'm the one who applied and paid for the webspace and domain name.
  • What would you need a screenshot of?
  • I've just acquired webspace and domain name through, and have received an email from them saying my space is ready to use.
  • What do you mean by "packet"?

Sorry if I'm sounding naive, but these things are meant to be easy to use!

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Posté le de Jim R.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . not sufficiant right to have a look into several directories on server . . . (managed webspace)

But (each package) should work - so you possibly did not enter the correct data to upload

\ instead of / ? or did not click box for *passive FTP* ?

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Jim R.
Jim R.

Pcssa, you are a genius! Clicking the "Passive FTP" box worked. My website is uploading right now. Many thanks for your help! Smile

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Posté le de Jim R.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . so you can set the post to *solved* Wink

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