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P. S
P. S

SEO  en

Auteur : P. S
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Mots-clés :: seo,website x5 pro 2020.1


I need some help understanding the SEO settings in X5, i have read the manual, but am still a bit confused.

I want X5 to do as much as possible, but have i got the settings correct?

On the Statistics, SEO and Code Page - Tag 'H1..H6' i have follwing set:

Automatic Heading Tag Management:

3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title.

Set H1..H6 for the template headings.

I have setup tag information in the properties for each page.

Is that enough for X5 to do what is required for SEO, i notice that when editing text in a text object, i can select a H tag, mine are currently all set to Normal Text.


Posté le
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


Definition and use

The <h1> of the <h6> tags are used to make the HTML header.

<h1> Specifies the most important headline. <h6> Specifies the least important headline.

By default, browsers display higher-level headings in larger letters, but of course you are free to define how they are displayed with style sheets.

<H1> Address
      <H2> Subtitle
            <H3> Paragraph title           
            <H3> Paragraph title

      <H2> Subtitle
      <H2> Subtitle

It's a good idea to include keywords in your headlines. It should be considered as highlighting the text on the page. A kind of table of contents.

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Posté le de Antal Z.
P. S
P. S

Thank you Antal,

So if i use the settings i have, it is still a good idea to actually change the style of headings within my text objects to tags?

Will these still be used by X5?

If X5 is using H1 for the website title and H2 for the page title, should i then use H3 for headings of my objects, then H4 for the contents etc.


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Posté le de P. S
Stefano G.

Hello P.S 

If you're letting the software set the H1 and H2 automatically, do not insert any other manually in the page. Do so only if the software's automatic handling of these is off.

You can still create h3 to h6 though.

Just do not use the h1 and h2 in this case and you should be okay as far as SEO is concerned on this matter

I hope I was helpful


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Posté le de Stefano G.
P. S
P. S

Hello Stefano,

Thank you.

But just to be clear - i have selected -  "3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title."

"Set H1..H6 for the template headings." is also checked. (This settings is a bit confusing)

I should not use H1,2 becuase they are being used, but i can use H3-6 by selecting them from the object styles? Would this benefit me for SEO?

Also, when i look at each page (Inspect Element - Firefox) H1 is there, but no H2, is this expected based on the setting described above?


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Posté le de P. S
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


"Set H1.H2...H6 for the template headings."  <H1>

website page name  <H2>

*Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod, risus ut sagittis tristique, elit augue hendrerit dui, non fringilla erat nibh eu metus. Suspendisse tincidunt porttitor augue, vitae luctus neque fringilla non. Quisque auctor vulputate augue, eu accumsan dui iaculis id. (introduction)

<H2> Subtopic B <H2> (headline created on page)

Donec finibus urna non posuere tempor. In dolor magna, pharetra vitae ex eget, eleifend pharetra neque. Vestibulum rhoncus, enim non placerat ornare, erat est fringilla libero, convallis mollis eros orci eu dui. Vivamus non erat vitae magna condimentum rhoncus. Integer vel consequat mauris. Nullam at magna in magna vehicula pellentesque et sit amet quam. Nunc sed dignissim magna, eget sodales quam. Vivamus vel sodales orci, quis ornare nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec eu quam commodo sem scelerisque ultricies at in libero. Integer iaculis viverra mollis. In magna dui, aliquam non efficitur eu, rutrum et metus. Quisque viverra lectus a ullamcorper aliquet. Donec ipsum tortor, laoreet nec lacus congue, accumsan pretium felis. Donec dignissim lacus mauris, vitae pretium sapien convallis non. Proin in dui venenatis, porta neque vitae, aliquam mauris.

<H2> Subtopic B <H2> (headline created on page)

Nulla hendrerit scelerisque dui id elementum. Integer dignissim ut mauris sit amet vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse tristique placerat elit, sit amet tempor est varius vitae. Nulla nisl massa, efficitur eget iaculis et, varius eu erat. Suspendisse sapien augue, tincidunt in tempus ut, consectetur non nunc. Fusce fringilla metus dictum erat finibus, quis elementum ligula venenatis. Duis faucibus placerat enim a semper. Praesent laoreet leo cursus facilisis pretium. Proin venenatis sapien neque, vel eleifend justo tristique id. Morbi dignissim non nunc et ultrices. Fusce in ullamcorper nisi, eu blandit quam. Morbi eget metus a quam venenatis porttitor. Nullam ullamcorper auctor nisl a maximus.

<H3> Subtopic B </H3> (headline created on page)

Etiam vulputate, ipsum in pulvinar dictum, nisi tortor aliquet leo, sed semper arcu turpis vel dolor. Donec eget lobortis odio, et hendrerit arcu. Donec non nisl sagittis erat sagittis mollis. Nullam et condimentum urna.


<H1> Main topic </H1>

   <H2> The subtopic <H2>

   <H2> Subtopic B <H2>

      <H3> Subtopic B </H3>


You can create any number of tags. Tags outline the structure of the page and promote readability. Paragraphs cannot be long so that they can be read well on the phone. Include links within the website so that the user can read more about the topic. The text (content) does not need to be formatted with the label H3..H6.

It is useless to tag if the content of the page does not work for the users and they immediately click. (contrast, font, colors, manageability, etc.)

*Tag Description [160 characters] (Include in the introductory section)

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Posté le de Antal Z.
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


"Set H2.H3 for the template headings."

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Posté le de Antal Z.
P. S
P. S

Hello Antal Z.

Thankyou for taking the time to explain. I am undertsanding the use of the tags H1-6, but i still do not understand X5's automatic placement of them.

In the guide for SEO it says:-

if you choose H1 for Website Heading and H2 for Page Title, the <h1> tag will take on the name or Page Title and then the Website Title in this structure:  <h1>Page Title - Website Title</h1>. The <h1> tag is reported in the Page source code and it is connected to the Template heading. The <h2> tag will take on the only name or Title for the Page.

But using this setting (3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title) i do not see any h2 tags in my webpages code, but i can see h1 correctly as described.

Also, i am unclear what the setting "Set H1..H6 for the template headings." means, should this be on or off for automatic tag managment?

Many Thanks

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Posté le de P. S
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


The automatic setting H1 ... H6

It doesn't mean YOU create a page structure! After all, the program does not know which line you want to highlight. So when writing your text, you need to create the highlight. See above in the previous comment. When you compose the texts and apply the H2, H3 ... formatting, the software automatically inserts the H2, H3 ... member into the code.

The red arrow in the example shows H3 formatting.

Which setting is good 1 or 2 or 3 ?

This page determines whether a particular web address can be used as a key word or just the page title (2, 3). Customizes each page (1)

Inserts the value you selected in the code of the page H1, H2, H3 ... H6  (h3.jpg) yellowed H3 tag

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Posté le de Antal Z.
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


Heading tags:
The heading tags actually determine which sentences are most relevant within the text content of the page. At least the H1, H2, H3 heading needs to be set, but you can even go further (H4, H5, H6).

Labels H1, H2, H3 should be set to emphasize the most important content on the page.

The most practical way to do this is to:

Article / product / subpage title (H1),
subtitle (H2),
first paragraph or first sentence (H3)
set as the default for the entire website.

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Posté le de Antal Z.
P. S
P. S

Hello Antal Z.

I am really really sorry - but this is not what i am trying to understand.

I fully get the use of the h tags.

But, using the settings i have described, X5 will insert the h1 and h2 tags, so i should not use them myself (although i still can't find any use of h2 in my code).

My question is, if i add the h3,4,5,6 tag to my objects using the style heading properties, should the setting "Set H1..H6 for the template headings." be on or off - becuase it's not clear to me what this switch is doing.

Sorry - Thanks.

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Posté le de P. S

I don't agree with any of these settings. I believe the title tag should be showing the H1 Tag and the Page Title should be the H2 tag. That's what I want to set up but X5 doesn't let me do that.

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Posté le de DENNIS S.
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


"But, using the settings i have described, X5 will insert the h1 and h2 tags, so i should not use them myself (although i still can't find any use of h2 in my code)."

Please apply the following settings:

  • 3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title.
  • Set H1..H6 for the template headings. (checkbox ok)

website preview image right-click on "source code scan"

  1. In the new window that opens, press "Ctrl" + "F"
  2. In the search box that opens, type "H1" and then press "Enter"

You can find additional H2, H3 ... tags in the code in a similar way.

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Posté le de Antal Z.
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


The program will automatically perform the setup on all pages if you select 2 or 3 in the SEO section during setup.

  • 3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title.
  • Set H1..H6 for the template headings. (checkbox ok)

Set H1..H6 for the template headings.

If you do not check the box, you will not put it in the codec and the H1 tag will not be placed in the codec. Only the formatting of the text is realized!

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Posté le de Antal Z.
P. S
P. S

Hello Antal Z.

That is the exact settings i am using. you have clarified that the setting" Set H1..H6 for the template headings", MUST be switched on for the "3 - H1 for website heading and H2 for page title)" not sure why X5 does not make this happen automatically.

However - i see no H2. H1 is clearly visible in the code and shoudl the correct use of websiter heading and then page title, but no h2.


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Posté le de P. S
Stefano G.

Hello P. S

This is most probably due to the fact that the Page Title is not active by default on your pages.

You can turn it on at Step 2:

Try this out and let me know if you see it then

Thank you


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Posté le de Stefano G.
P. S
P. S

Hello Stefano,

You are correct, making this visible now creates the h2. However i don't abtually want to see the page title on the pages, i just assumed that it would appear as h2 in the code.

I will leave this switched off, and only use h3-6 if required.


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Posté le de P. S
Antal Z.
Antal Z.


Multiple H1 Headings: How to Handle Them for SEO & Accessibility?

Please watch the video. It can’t just be an “H1 tag” on a website.

video link:

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Posté le de Antal Z.