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Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

360 degree virtual pano tour with krpano  en

Auteur : Evgeni P.
Visité 1902, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

Hello ,
how can I attach multiple virtual tours, such as a gallery or subpages? Virtual tours are made with Panotour Pro?I tried to add them as code to read from a directory, but nothing is shown, please help

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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello.Use the HTML code object.

On the first tab, you can add the "main" panorama file as code. If needed, you can add other files on the Expert tab. But I would recommend loading them separately and changing the paths in the HTML code.

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Posté le de Aleksej H.
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

Hello, I try but... 

First I put HTML code

After I go on EXPER to put the other file :

But nothing happened, I read, I looked at what other examples they gave, I tried, but .... it didn't happen and for that I am looking for help if someone has done or has a certain way or plugin to do it

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Evgeni,

I don't know anything about the specific feature you are attempting to integrate, but I can tell you that the code in your screenshot above is definitely incorrect, at least for use with WebSite X5.

Remove the opening and closing HTML and HEAD tags...

<html> </html>

<head> </head> these should not be used when inserting code in this way.

If your script really does need some code placed in the HEAD of the webpage (and the META tags if required should certainly be in the HEAD), then that should be inserted via the Page Properties as opposed to the HTML Object.

Also, it's unlikely that you will need to link the file shown in the second screenshot.  What was your reasoning for doing that?

Kind regards,


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Posté le de Paul M.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48

Hi Evgeni,

I think you have to put the files built by the software in a folder on the server, and call the panorama via a specific link.

There is a good tutorial, (broadcast a virtual tour on the Internet or locally) but it's in French. I did not find one in English ...

Maybe you could help yourself with the images of the video?

The video is here:

Note: I've not this sofware. I just did a search to try to help you.


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Posté le de JiPeR 48
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

Hello Paul , 

The code together with the folder on the second screen is exported directly from the virtual tour program. When placed as a direct link, it works without a problem, but I want to integrate it into the page itself, not as an additional page.
Here a similar tour is commented and there is mentioned what I did in the second photo

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Unfortunately the information in the other thread will probably not be useful on this occasion as each software has different and unique installation methods.

I would like to help you but I am struggling to work out what software you are trying to integrate with WebSite X5.

Is it this one:

If not, then could you post a link to the software developers' website?

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Posté le de Paul M.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Evgeni P.
 ... ... The code together with the folder on the second screen is exported directly from the virtual tour program. When placed as a direct link, it works without a problem, but I want to integrate it into the page itself, not as an additional page. ... ... ... 
... with the <IFRAME> code it's very simple, and even more ...



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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

Hello Paul M. ,

Yes, this is it

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

Hello KolAsim,

How is it correct to do, to add the code exported from the program for the virtual tour in Iframe code and it becomes like a frame and everything works inside?
If so, great, but if he wants to get to full screen, maybe he should load on a separate page? 

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

HelloJiper 85,
Тhanks for your reply. At the moment I have done it as a separate page with a link, but I wanted if it is possible to embed in the page, the tours will be several and it would seem good to be embedded.

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the link, Evgeni.

I'm still slightly confused.  There are detailed instructions on how to embed, here:

But they don't bear much resemblance to your existing code at all.  Did you copy that code from an alternate source?  Could you post the link?

Or go with KolAsim's suggestion, which would be a straightforward solution.

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Posté le de Paul M.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Evgeni P.
Hello KolAsim, ... ... ...  but if he wants to get to full screen, maybe he should load on a separate page? 

(It > En) this case it becomes simple with my historical method EXTRA, DIV_CUSTOM+IFRAME ...
... if you are interested, in order to be able to evaluate, you must post the LINK of your 360 virtual tour page, and also the LINK of your site page in which to insert as a background, and this page of the site must have transparent backgrounds...
(in the end it will be a simple copy/paste of the code)




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
A J.
A J.

@Evgeni P,

Here you go, please use the following code within the html object and your good to go!

<iframe src="Place The Virtual Tour Location Here i.e." scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" style="height: 100%; width:100%"> </iframe>

Please be sure that you've alrady placed the entire tour folder on the server first. Set the size of the iframe within X5, the virtual tour settings within the virtual tour application itself should allow for the user to switch back and forth between fullscreen and nonfullscreen views with no issues and thats no precursor for an iframe not allowing fullscreen views. Of course we all know that ios devices don't allow fullscreen buttons at this time. 

Anyway, really hope this helps and have a great day.

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Posté le de A J.
Evgeni P.
Evgeni P.

Thanks to everyone for the answers, I liked Iframe, so I did.

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Posté le de Evgeni P.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... ... in fact, as mentioned, it is the simplest and most immediate way ... ...wink

 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... ...  ... with the <IFRAME> code it's very simple, and even more ... ... ... 



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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪