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Roy C.
Roy C.

Error in export  en

Auteur : Roy C.
Visité 3107, Followers 1, Partagé 28  
Mots-clés :: error,export

I'm having problems exporting my website to the host. The export gets so far and then I get error message saying 'error in file export. check if writing inside the specified folder is allowed.' This is appearing on files that have uploaded OK in the past. Any ideas.

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Roy C.
Roy C.

How come some of the website has loaded?

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Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Take out all your details then enter them again manually.... Sometimes MS Updates change permissions.....

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Posté le de Cheeky Man
Roy C.
Roy C.

Thanks, have already tried that. The strange thing is that it has exported all of the html text and Google ads, some of the jpgs but on the website most of the jpgs are just showing as blank boxes with the usual red X in the corner.The messages I'm getting from the X5 export page are 'unable to create remote file', 'impossible to view files present on server', and 'error while enumerating remote files.'

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Posté le de Roy C.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


OK next question..... Have you got enough webspace?

If you are really struggling Roy contact me below......

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Posté le de Cheeky Man
Roy C.
Roy C.

Hi again. Could the problem be anything to do with the security settings on my computer?

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Posté le de Roy C.
Roy C.
Roy C.

Yes. I'm with ipage and they offer unlimited webspace.

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Roy C.
Roy C.

Hi Frank. After spending over 12 hours trying to upload website I now give up. Got as far as exporting 68% of website then got same error messages. What I don't understand is that I've been using X5 software since I set up site in 2010 but I have only recently encountered this problem. Thanks for your support. If you have any other ideas please let me know. Roy

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Posté le de Roy C.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


I know what you are going thro Roy and it's very frustrating to say the least......

OK reading your post again and you say it was OK in the past?

Email or phone your hosting company and tell them that you are experiencing upload problems and that this has only just occurred......

Sometimes they update their servers and change settings, they have to allow you thro their firewall too. I've had this in the past!

Saying this I would have thought it would have been the first thing you tried anyhow??

I can only guestimate as to what is happening Roy without doing checks of my own......


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Roy C.
Roy C.

The reason I am exporting the whole website again is that I've just changed servers. I was with 123-reg and changed to ipage because I thought these upload problems were to do with 123-reg as they said they had had problems with their ftp. So only signed up with ipage day before yesterday. I've tried uploading with both my computers and have the same problem on both, so I can only assume it's either my computer security settings or a problem with x5. I have the original version. I am in the process of re-designing the website using x5 version 9. So hopefully things will be sorted by then.

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Posté le de Roy C.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Roy you should have put your last post first Laughing

I will say it again your FTP Details are incorrect..... Roy if you can't upload from two computers the common denominator here is the server!!

And again...... if you contact me I'll sort it out for you!!!

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Posté le de Cheeky Man
Roy C.
Roy C.

I turned off firewall and tried again. This time it worked. Don't know if it's a coincidence but at least it's now all uploaded.Thanks

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