Cannot publish website 
Auteur : Paul M.
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I used to have the old v5 version of X5 on windows XP 32 bit, I've bought the latest X5 as I have windows 7 64 bit and thought there might be a problem with the old version but try as I might it will not update, the website is there, half the pictures are missing, some of the pages are not there and it looks a mess, the headers missing as well. If I upload with it set to upload 3 items at a time I get 3 error messages so I changed it to 1 and it said it uploaded ok but its the same as before and half of the webites missing, including the header. Microsoft says this program is compatible with Windows 7 64 bit.
Am I doing something wrong
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Are you saying your websites on the net?
If it is we need the URL plz.......
Paul you shouldn't use your ISP with X5...... You need more webspace than what Talk Talk will give you anyhow! And PHP needs to be enabled for your mail forms, as well as a lot of other X5 functions!!
You need a proper hosting company.......
If you want to set this club of yours up successfully I suggest contacting me below and I'll give you all the information you need including a FREE! Hosting site....
I do not understand what you are saying, why can I not use my ISP with X5? I used it before with XP and it worked fine and I only had the webspace they provided and I had maybe 15 or 20 more pages on it with loads more pics.
Condidering it worked before I can see no reason that it should not still work especially since its less than half the size it was before.
The club has been running for over 20 years and the websites been running for maybe 3 years, with several updates/changes using X5 and the webspace Talktalk provided.
I just need to know why it no longer works and how to fix it. Unless X5 have made radical changes to their program it should still work and using it it seems to be pretty much the same as it was before.
Sorry I apologise I just thought you were having server problems looking at your website....
What Win 7? Home Premium, Ultimate, Pro.....
I took a look at your page's source code. You're running version 1654 of the the software. You should upgrade to the latest version of WX5. This should cure most of your problems. I run WX5 on a Win 7 - 64 bits PC, without any problems.
Ok I don't know how you find out what version of X5 you have but I have updated it and its better than it was but theres still a lot of it missing. I'm using X5 compact and Windows 7 Home Premium. a lot of the pictures are not there and the borders etc are all still missing.
Would it help if I rebuilt the website using the updated X5? Regarding the pictures does it make any difference where they are stored on the computer, by this I mean would I be better having all the images I use stored on a seperate area on the hard drive so they are all coming from the same place or am I just clutching at straws? Is it that I am using the Compact version of X5, do I need the upgrade version? I really don't want hundreds more templates the basic version should do me really. Hopefully.
Bit puzzled with all this as my old X5 worked fine with XP.
Tried rebuilding it, just basic with one picture. Picture didn't load and all titles still missing, will look back and try again tomorrow I think.
Still trying and theres no way it will load up, anyone any ideas of how to solve this?
Are you talking about the "PREVIEW" will not load or "UPLOAD" to the server?
I can do a remote for you to sort this out? Read my guestbook below....
It says it has uploaded to the server but looks like this missing and no templates, the colour is there but the template isn't. I'm at a loss.
"OLD" things don't work on the internet Paul!! We are now using HTML5... This is why I mentioned about your ISP!!
If you still need help? CONTACT ME below.......
Sorted now with the terrific assistance of frank at frankscybercafe.........
I have uploaded my site to the correct folders but am not getting the site viewable on the internet at all what amI doing wrong here please