Vat Vs tax (us resident) 
Auteur : Eran S.
Visité 1412,
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I resident in the USA and the VAT word do not exit. can we chage the word VAT to Tax?
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You can change it in 1. settings, here:
Choose the language and then change the text:
The text can be changed here.
@Daniel - why are you telling the same?????
I expect people to be capable of finding a text.
I ran an FAQ website from 2004 to 2012 to help website beginners with how-to guides. In doing so, I realized that you should not expect any (previous) knowledge if you want to reach everyone.
Ty so much guys......
@Daniel: I have been in the IT business for more than 30 years. I have designed systems and made user-manuals, but I have never regarded users as completely helpless
Here in the forum there are threads where so many people gives input that it can be more confusing than helpful.