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manuel G.
manuel G.

The software is too slow and stuck every time  en

Auteur : manuel G.
Visité 865, Followers 1, Partagé 0  

The software is very slow and always freezes, and you can't work with it.

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John S.
John S.

Could you be more specific?

Your computer: RAM, CPU, Windows10, windows11, Clockf. and so. ????

How big is your project? How many pages?

Is it by starting the program? In the designing of pages? By upload?

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Posté le de John S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Check if you have empty cells on any pages. If so, place an object in each cell or group of cells (there is no need to add content) and when there are no empty cells in the project test again.

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Posté le de Franz-Josef H.
manuel G.
manuel G.

Thanks Franz this helped me also I realized that the page I was working on was too big or long that crashes the software I am new.

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Posté le de manuel G.