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James Becker
James Becker

Import Tov9 Does Not Import Complete Blog?  en

Auteur : James Becker
Visité 3815, Followers 2, Partagé 79  
Mots-clés :: blog,import

I've imported a v8 project with a blog into v9, I thought the import went well until I looked at the blog in v9. Only the first entry of each Catagory was imported, none of the user comments are there now?? How does one get all the blog entries/comments to show in v9???

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you read the info provided by Incomedia (no 9.) and adapt to the new form of blog ?

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Posté le de Pcssa .
James Becker
James Becker

Yes I did. Still only the first entry shows. ????

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Posté le de James Becker
Noemi W.

Hi James,

would you please provide us the url of your website.

Thank you,

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Posté le de Noemi W.
Noemi W.

Hi James,

thank you. Seems that there's an error within the settings of path to the pubblic folder. 

Would you please send us your project file to

Thank you!

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Posté le de Noemi W.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Noemi,

I have sent you the project file. Have a look.

Thanks for your time.

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

Noemi, did you get the file I sent??

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Posté le de James Becker
Noemi W.

Hi James,

yes, we did receive your project file and we will check it as soon as possible.


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Posté le de Noemi W.
James Becker
James Becker

Hi Noemi,

This is strange. I imported my v8 project (with a blog) into v9. The url for the blog is . There should be many, many comments there but none show. I checked my server and the blog user comment files are indeed there, see below. It seems that v9 just does not see them. Any new ideas? Do you need this project file?

Thanks for your time.

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Noemi,

I've sent the new file as you asked in your email along with some other information.

Thanks for your time.


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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hello James,

Noemi told me about your problem. I've checked that, actually, version 9's blog do not read the old v8 comments. Don't worry, I've managed it so from the next update V9 will read also the old v8 comments on your blog.

About the import of a single post instead of the complete list, I was not able to recreate the issue. Would you send me your v8 .iwp file? I'll try to import it on my WSX5 v9 and check why only a single post is imported.

As usual, if the iwp file is larger than 1MB, send it to As subject type "To Claudio N." and provide a link to this post in the email body.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

When do you think the first update to v9 will be released??

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hello James,

It will be released very soon. We delayed it of 1-2 days to include more fixes.

PS: I haven't received your iwp file, yet. Can you attach it here?

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

Thanks for you reply Claudio. I've decided to use a 3rd party guestbook, but I STILL want to use the X5 blog.

I have the blog working now, in that one can add comments to it, but it still does not see any of the v8 comments.

I have sent you the file via

Thanks for your help.

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.
James Becker
I have the blog working now, in that one can add comments to it, but it still does not see any of the v8 comments.

Actually it is correct. From the next update the blog will recognize the old comments and show them. Wink

I've received your email but it contains an iwzip file from v9. To test the conversion issue, I need the iwp file from v8. Just the .iwp, I don't need images and other files attached to it.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

On 2011-09-27 Claudio N. replied to me saying "Don't worry, I've managed it so from the next update V9 will read also the old v8 comments on your blog."

DAMN!!!  I've updated to Evolution but ev9 STILL does NOT read  Blog "comments" entered from ev8!! Claudio???????????

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hello James,

Did you enter the same public folder used to store the comments of V8? Make sure you entered "blog" as public folder (without the double quotes and without slashes).

We tested it and it's working. Wink

Make sure you have exported the entire site and not only the updates.

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

I indeed did enter the same public folder used to store the comments of V8. All the v8 blog comments are on the server along with the v9 comments, see below. The v9 comments display but the v8 coments do not display.

Any ideas??

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Posté le de James Becker
Stefano P.
Stefano P.

Ho anch'io lo stesso problema, ho fatto l'aggiornamento alla V9 e mi perde 112 commenti (non me lo posso permettere) se Aruba come hosting e se metto /pubblic come nella v8 non funziona niente, se metto pubblic (senza / ) allora funziona il blog ma cmq non mi importa i 112 commenti che ho nella versione 8

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Posté le de Stefano P.
Stefano P.
Stefano P.

Ho anche un'altro problema che non capisco... nella versione 8 mettevano un commento, mi arrivava la mail con il link, entravo e confermavo.

Adesso nella versione 9 mi chiede Username e password ? ma dove li trovo ? sarò anche stanco ma se me lo dite mi fate una favore :-)



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Posté le de Stefano P.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Stefano,

Huh?????? Sorry, I only speak English.

Have a good day.

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Buongiorno Stefano,

I dati di accesso sono quelli impostati per l'utente admin nelle impostazioni dell'area privata, al passo 4 del software.

For EN users:

The login data for the administration section is set at step 4, in the private area settings.

@James: try to move the v9 comments in a subfolder. The blog should load the old comments automatically and convert them to v9 when a new comment is added.

Let me know.

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

No luck, I did as you suggested above but v9 still does not read the v8 comments.

Any other ideas??

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hello James,

I think I've understood the problem. You converted the site from v8 before version 9.0.2, where we added the support for the old blog comments. In 9.0.2 the import is now automatic but on your site you should do a small trick to let a site converted with 9.0.0 to load the old comments too.

All you have to do is to rename the old comments from, in example, x5_974789_pcjo2to x5_pcjo2abcde. Simply remove the long number and add the "abcde" suffix.

Here some other examples:

x5_974789_pczf8 becomes x5_pczf8abcde

x5_974789_pclq3 becomes x5_pclq3abcde

If possible, move the v9 comments into a subfolder, to avoid name collisions during the file's renamig.

As alternative to this, you can reimport the site from the v8 project but I think you've already made some changes to your v9 site.Undecided

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

Thanks Claudio, issue solved!

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

I did as you said above and it seemed to solve the issue. All the old v8 posts displayed as they should, for a while. Now a month later they have gone away and do not display any longer?????  Any idea what could have caused them to go away????

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Sounds strange. Did you change the site settings in any way?Undecided

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

Yes it is very strange indeed.  I have not added to or deleted pages or changed any settings.  Ideas???

Thanks for your time.

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Did you check if the comment files are still in the blog's public folder?

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

The comments are indeed located in the /public_html/blog folder.

Also when I click on Read All at:
I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/jkbsyste/public_html/res/x5engine.php on line 1270


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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Seems that an error has occurred on your server while saving the comment's file. Try removing the file x5_pclq3abcde from your blog's folder.

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

Removing files x5_pclqabcde and x5_pclqabcde_bak  got rid of the error message however my v8 coments still don't show like they used to.


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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

Issue solved v8 & v9 comments are now displaying again. I had to re-upload the v8 comments from my v8 backup and then change the names as you suggested above.

HOWEVER, in one comment I see tons of question marks inside a black diamond, see attachment.  What is going on with this?????

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hi James,

That means the comment's file is non encoded correctly. Maybe it is not saved as Unicode?

You should open your v8 comments' file using notepad and then select "save as..." and save it selecting Unicode (or UTF-8, if available) as encoding.

Then reupload that file. It should be ok then. Wink

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

Thanks for the tip Claudio, but it did not solve the problem. Cry  There is only one coment that this happens in. Any other ideas??

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

Hi Claudio,

Yell Sigh...... Blog is still acting funny. Please go to:

and click on Read All. You will find 8 comments. I have the blog set to display comments instantly.

Please add a test comment and send.  Guess what happens?!?!?!  All the comments go away never to be seen again!

What the heck is going on here???  When I look at the contents of file x5_pclq3abcde on my server all the comments are in the file, even the one you just added, but the file is not displayed.

Please people let the X5 staff do this so they can see what is happening.

Have a good day........ JamesKB

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hi James, 

Seems that your server is not handling correctly the xml code to store comments. I think that we can do a change in the blog's code to get around it. I've made a small update to the blog's code which will come in the next update (going to be released this week).

After the update, remove the x5_pclq3abcde file and test the blog again.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

OK I'll wait for the update.  It is strange that Political Thoughts (the x5_pclq3abcde file) is the ONLY category comments in the blog folder that acts this way. As I said before, the file displays the comments (the x5_pclq3abcde file) UNTILL someone makes an additional comment.

Would it help if I sent you the the x5_pclq3abcde so you could see the contents?

Have a good day.

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hi James,

Thank you, but I've already seen the content of that file. I see that it was not served as XML, that's why the comments were lost when a new one was added.

As I said, I've made a change in our code to get around that server's issue.

After the update, press CTRL+Preview and export the entire site again.

Let me know if that will solve the problem.

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

Sigh..... no luck. I've installed the latest update and followed your instructions above, but as soon a someone adds a comment, all commnets go away. Yell

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Posté le de James Becker
Claudio N.

Hello James,

I'm sorry to see that that problem still persists. Can you list which files are present now in your blog folder?

Thank you!

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Posté le de Claudio N.
James Becker
James Becker

Contents of blog folder 1 of 2

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

Contents of blog folder 2 of 2

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Posté le de James Becker
James Becker
James Becker

HiYa Claudio,

Issue solved!  Go check it out, add a post to see it in action.  Cool

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Posté le de James Becker
Steve J.

Hello James, thanks for your feedback... I just closed this post because you solved and because it's too long. Please open new posts for new queries. Thanks Wink

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Posté le de Steve J.