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L. Myson
L. Myson

Adding the registration expiration date (Access control)  en

Auteur : L. Myson
Visité 669, Followers 2, Partagé 0  

Hello! I’m currently setting up VIP access pages for a modeling agency and have partially configured the personal account section. However, I’m missing one key feature.

Please add the ability to set an expiration date for account access. Currently, when a user registers, the “Access Management” section displays their registration time. I would like to add another field that the administrator can use to specify the date until which the account will remain active.

This is especially important in cases where, for instance, I transfer a user to a restricted access group, such as “Premium Guests.” I need to be able to see the expiration date, as I charge for access, for example, on a monthly basis.

For guests, there will be a separate login that redirects them to their personal account with the necessary information. This feature will also apply to models. There needs to be functionality to automatically deactivate or suspend an account after its expiration date. To continue access, users should be able to make a payment through the store or contact the administrator, who can manually extend their access.

There are currently over 150 models in the catalog, and this feature is urgently needed. Simply copy the existing window and add an object for entering the account expiration date. You already have a countdown object, Flip Clock, which can be linked to the account expiration date. This field can be placed in the personal account section so that each user sees their individual expiration date.

I'm waiting for a response from support

Posté le
Eric C.

I will report your suggestion so that we may consider this as a future addition, but keep in mind that I cannot guarantee if and when this will be implemented.


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Posté le de Eric C.
L. Myson
L. Myson

I understand everything, you are developing a blog and now you have updates, you already have the code just skip and paste it next to it and that's it, or maybe you know how to do it?  

Eric C.
Hello, I will report your suggestion so that we may consider this as a future addition, but keep in mind that I cannot guarantee if and when this will be implemented. Eric
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Posté le de L. Myson
L. Myson
L. Myson

You have chat GPT4o, it will help you in everything, with it the development should be very fast

Eric C.
Hello, I will report your suggestion so that we may consider this as a future addition, but keep in mind that I cannot guarantee if and when this will be implemented. Eric
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
... ... ...  You already have a countdown object, Flip Clock, which can be linked to the account expiration date. This field can be placed in the personal account section so that each user sees their individual expiration date. ... ... ...

(It > En)  ... if you want to use the flip_clock_countdown object, you could add an EXTRA control of mine that if the counter shows "0" would redirect to a custom courtesy page, with an expired account notice...
... in addition and alternatively, according to my personal idea/invention, if you use the manual registration method, in which you assign the password, with an exclusive control of mine you could control access based on the expiration date...
... the expiration date must be part of the password string, for example with this format:
pass + suffix # + suffix date
... for example:
... by applying an exclusive invention of mine that checks the date before clicking on send, you could condition access or not...
... in any case it is to be verified and tested with personal active participation...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
L. Myson

Oh, is it possible to implement it? And what does it all look like? To be honest, I didn't understand. I have both automatic registration and manual registration for this issue, I can register people myself using your method, press generate a password in the format xyz#08-12-2024 and then what to do? Can I see what it looks like in theory?

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson ... ... ...  You already have a countdown object, Flip Clock, which can be linked to the account expiration date. This field can be placed in the personal account section so that each user sees their individual expiration date. ... ... ... (It > En)  ... if you want to use the flip_clock_countdown object, you could add an EXTRA control of mine that if the counter shows "0" would redirect to a custom courtesy page, with an expired account notice... ... ... in addition and alternatively, according to my personal idea/invention, if you use the manual registration method, in which you assign the password, with an exclusive control of mine you could control access based on the expiration date... ... the expiration date must be part of the password string, for example with this format: pass + suffix # + suffix date ... for example: xyz#08-12-2024 ... by applying an exclusive invention of mine that checks the date before clicking on send, you could condition access or not... ... ... in any case it is to be verified and tested with personal active participation... . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
... [...] ...  Oh, is it possible to implement it? And what does it all look like? To be honest, I didn't understand. ... ... ... 

.. if you are interested, as I said before, active participation is needed:

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... ... ...  ... in any case it is to be verified and tested with personal active participation... ... ... ... 
... everything must be implemented step by step...
... this consists of:
1) ... preparing a simple online example and posting the working LINK here for the tests of the case;
2) ... preparing a hidden page called "expiredaccount.html";

3) .... preparing a fictitious user to access the reserved test area;
4) ... this user must have a valid account similar to this:
username: username(At)xx.yy ... where (At) = @
pass: 1234abcd#25-12-2024
... if you provide what is said in points 1,2,3,4,  and when you have done, you let me know, and I will return here...


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

4) ... this user must have a valid account similar to this:
username: username(At)xx.yy ... where (At) = @


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
L. Myson

Yes is valid i create for you

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
4) ... this user must have a valid account similar to this: username: username(At)xx.yy ... where (At) = @ .
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... the email address of the username here in the Forum is not visible and in its place you see three asterisks (***),  as I reminded you before with my STAMP...!...
.. to write emails here you have to do as I indicated before:


... or:


... or:

username  @  xxx.yy


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

...I'll be back here tomorrow...

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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... OK ... I saw that now user/pass works...
.. .later in the evening I will let you know something about what to do...

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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... OK ... this is the code of my invention, which you must try and verify its functioning on your site:

/** -- scadenza password email - by KolAsim -- **/
ritardoK = 3;
messaggioK1 = "неверный пароль!"; /// "password non valida!";
messaggioK2 = "Срок действия пароля истек!"; // "password scaduta!";
setTimeout(function(){ //K1>;
objectK = "#imLoginForm_submit"; // ID del FORM;
schermoK =$( ".imLoginBlock" )[2];
divK = '<div id="divK" title="Войти" style="position:relative; width:110px; height: 50px;'+
'z-index: 1000000;cursor:pointer;right:10px;float:right;top:-50px;"></div>';
$( schermoK).parent().append(divK)
verificaK = $("#imPwdLogin").val().indexOf("#");
if(verificaK != -1) {//K3>;
dataK = $("#imPwdLogin").val();
dataK = dataK.split("#").pop();
////setTimeout(function(){ //K4>;
////}, 1000); //K4<<;
} else { //K3<< | //K4>;
}, ritardoK*1000); //K1<<;
//------- f K5 --------------------
function controllodataK(dataK){//K5>;
var dataK2 = dataK;
var dataK2 = dataK2.split("-")
giornoK = dataK2[0];
meseK = dataK2[1];
annoK = dataK2[2];
meseK = meseK - 1;
scadenzaK=new Date(annoK, meseK , giornoK);scadenzaK = scadenzaK.getTime();
oggiK=new Date();oggiK = oggiK.getTime();
differenza = scadenzaK - oggiK;
var giorniK = Math.floor(differenza / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))+1;
if(giorniK <= 0) {//K6>;
location.href = "";
} else { //K6<<; | //K7>;


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

For to do this you need a cronjob on your server and give info about account expiration to your website users, paying or not. you can find info about cronjobs in the net.

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Posté le de Fabio B.
L. Myson
L. Myson

I inserted everything. And what's next? How does it work, can you tell me a little?

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... you have to paste my code in the Expert section of the Properties of the "imlogin.php"  Page, exactly in this section: >> Step 3 - Map > The 'Page Properties' window > Options in the Expert section > ▪Custom Code: > 3rd (third) option > Before closing the HEAD tag . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson
L. Myson
L. Myson

I mean how to use it, some rules that I need to remember to work with it? Should I always turn on everything in this order? And I also have a question if, for example, I have a login for individual users? For example, in addition to imlogin.php, there is an even more beautiful one, for example, this one 

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... you have to paste my code in the Expert section of the Properties of the "imlogin.php"  Page, exactly in this section: >> Step 3 - Map > The 'Page Properties' window > Options in the Expert section > ▪Custom Code: > 3rd (third) option > Before closing the HEAD tag . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
I inserted everything. And what's next? How does it work, can you tell me a little? ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪ ... [...]...

... OK ... I checked, ... you applied my code correctly...
... I also tried, and the process worked as expected...
... currently you are the first who tried my exclusive code...
... basically, if the user you gave me uses the same USER/email and you change the date in the password, for example:
... by clicking ENTER an ALERT will appear that warns that the PASS has expired, and then the redirect to the "expiredaccount.html" page will start...
... I recommend that you make the "expiredaccount.html" page anonymous, so that you can use it for all users...


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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
... ... ...  For example, in addition to imlogin.php, there is an even more beautiful one, for example, this one  

... ... I have superficially seen this new login page, and in theory, my code with the same rules could also be used for this page in the same way, by checking the new reference selectors...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
L. Myson

Now I changed the password for the date 11-12-2024 I'll try how it works

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson I inserted everything. And what's next? How does it work, can you tell me a little? ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪ ... [...]... ... OK ... I checked, ... you applied my code correctly... ... I also tried, and the process worked as expected... ... currently you are the first who tried my exclusive code... ... basically, if the user you gave me uses the same USER/email and you change the date in the password, for example: ********#11-12-2024 ... by clicking ENTER an ALERT will appear that warns that the PASS has expired, and then the redirect to the "expiredaccount.html" page will start... ... I recommend that you make the "expiredaccount.html" page anonymous, so that you can use it for all users... .
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Posté le de L. Myson
L. Myson
L. Myson

Please tell me the answer to a very important question. I now have a blog, it is currently open and everyone sees it, everyone has access to it, it is not yet filled, but soon it will start filling up! For example, here is the link.

And there are also categories, for example, category 1 and so on, a separate Url is created for each category, for example, on this site it isЭскорт

Is it possible to click on the category that the transition to the article was closed for those whose expiration date according to your method? Thus, some of the articles are open and there is no need to close the entire blog, but only individual categories, for example (category 1) And a warning inscription (you do not have enough access level to get it, contact the administrator, or pay for access, and a payment link)

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson ... ... ...  For example, in addition to imlogin.php, there is an even more beautiful one, for example, this one   ... ... I have superficially seen this new login page, and in theory, my code with the same rules could also be used for this page in the same way, by checking the new reference selectors... . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson
L. Myson
L. Myson

The code works successfully, thank you very much, this code will help any blog that has valuable information. All that remains is to solve the issue with the categories in the blog by the level of access, I thought I was just to place the blog in a prominent place in the menu, but so that people get used to the fact that there is some free information and some of the very valuable author's information that they can only read by paying for access or in their personal account.

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson ... ... ...  For example, in addition to imlogin.php, there is an even more beautiful one, for example, this one   ... ... I have superficially seen this new login page, and in theory, my code with the same rules could also be used for this page in the same way, by checking the new reference selectors... . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
... ... ... All that remains is to solve the issue with the categories in the blog by the level of access... ... ...

(It > En) ... for different problems it is better to open a new topic with a dedicated theme, to avoid confusion and fragmentation in this one, and so that it is also highlighted for the STAFF...

... ....however, as I anticipate I can tell you to condition the BLOG ARTICLES, in my opinion and my personal ideas or inventions mostly exclusive, in theory a logical structure of this type would be necessary:
1) - put in HEADER an EXTRA PHP code for the detection of the logged in user, with one of the codes available here in the Forum;
2) - create a SCRIPT external to the project with the list of accredited users and enabled for access, for example:
aaa(@),zz.yy, bbb(@),zz.yy, ccc(@),zz.yy, etc.
... in this way since the list is external you can update or modify the permissions easily without touching and republishing the project;
3) -  in the text of the HTML enabled ARTICLE [</>] put my SCRIPT code that reads only for this page/article the name of the logged-in user referred to in point 1), to activate the dedicated script function to authorize or not the reading of the article if the user is among those on the list...
4) - miscellaneous that may arise with other ideas...

... in the case, perhaps(!), we could meet again in the new topic, and always with active participation...
... keep in mind that what has been said is a random vision, that I currently do not have the program or even an adequate PC, so the whole procedure will depend on your reactive capabilities, as happened for this...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
L. Myson

I got you, thank you very much, then I can open a new topic and close this onе If it's technically possible because I understand that support won't help. . 

‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson ... ... ... All that remains is to solve the issue with the categories in the blog by the level of access... ... ... (It > En) ... for different problems it is better to open a new topic with a dedicated theme, to avoid confusion and fragmentation in this one, and so that it is also highlighted for the STAFF... ... ....however, as I anticipate I can tell you to condition the BLOG ARTICLES, in my opinion and my personal ideas or inventions mostly exclusive, in theory a logical structure of this type would be necessary: 1) - put in HEADER an EXTRA PHP code for the detection of the logged in user, with one of the codes available here in the Forum; 2) - create a SCRIPT external to the project with the list of accredited users and enabled for access, for example: aaa(@),zz.yy, bbb(@),zz.yy, ccc(@),zz.yy, etc. ... in this way since the list is external you can update or modify the permissions easily without touching and republishing the project; 3) -  in the text of the HTML enabled ARTICLE [</>] put my SCRIPT code that reads only for this page/article the name of the logged-in user referred to in point 1), to activate the dedicated script function to authorize or not the reading of the article if the user is among those on the list... 4) - miscellaneous that may arise with other ideas... ... in the case, perhaps(!), we could meet again in the new topic, and always with active participation... ... keep in mind that what has been said is a random vision, that I currently do not have the program or even an adequate PC, so the whole procedure will depend on your reactive capabilities, as happened for this... . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson

Hey KolAsim 

again great code embarassedkiss

your expertise is very usefull !!

For me 2 points with your code !

what's if a normal user tries to have an access to the locked page ??? does it works like normally ( normal password)

regarding the date format ! should be nice to specify the date format used into your code !!


but your code checks the date during the login. And the date format isnot the same in US and Europe. 

so the code and date checking  should not be used with same syntax in this case ...

I do an error !?!?!? 


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Posté le de Axel  

Another point on the date KolAsim

witth a browser in french and other in english the newdate function returns the same same format of date ?

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Posté le de Axel  
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... ... ...  what's if a normal user tries to have an access to the locked page ??? does it works like normally ( normal password) ... ... ... 
  ... you should do a simple test with a different registered account, ... but in theory, if the DATA suffix is ​​missing, the login should not work...
 ... ... ... 

regarding the date format ! should be nice to specify the date format used into your code !!


... ... ... 

 Another point on the date KolAsim

witth a browser in french and other in english the newdate function returns the same same format of date ? 

 ... you can use the date format you prefer because you are the one who sets the password...
... to do this you simply have to set the date format in the function:
function controllodataK(dataK){//K5>;




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

You said 

" ... you can use the date format you prefer because you are the one who sets the password...
... to do this you simply have to set the date format in the function:
function controllodataK(dataK){//K5>;



But if I configure the date format into the fucntion it's just for a specific population...!!!!

If I have french users and UK users, the date format will not be the same... And the function in this case will work just only for one population.

not simple 

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Posté le de Axel  
L. Myson
L. Myson

I think in this case it can be better to make a website separately for France, and there is a different code)

You said  " ... you can use the date format you prefer because you are the one who sets the password... ... to do this you simply have to set the date format in the function: function controllodataK(dataK){//K5>; " OK But if I configure the date format into the fucntion it's just for a specific population...!!!! If I have french users and UK users, the date format will not be the same... And the function in this case will work just only for one population. not simple 
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Posté le de L. Myson
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
... ... ... I think in this case it can be better to make a website separately for France, and there is a different code).. ... ...
... it is not needed because it has no meaning for the user, it is like any sequence of characters, but it is only needed for my code and you can use the date format you want, obviously customizing the control function indicated before...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
... ... ...  But if I configure the date format into the fucntion it's just for a specific population...!!!! If I have french users and UK users, the date format will not be the same... And the function in this case will work just only for one population. not simple  

... you are the one who must set the date suffix in the password in the date format as you want, and it does not affect the nation of the visitor......
... the password is a string value that you assign individually to authorize access....
... for example:
pass = 123abc;
pass =456def; ... etc...
... the same thing applies to the password containing my idea with a date suffix, and for the user it has no meaning, but he can guess that it is a reference to the expiration...
... for example to modify the code with date type (YYYYDDMM):
pass = pippo#2024/25/12
... this pass if valid and if typed correctly in full will work if used before December 25, 2024
... if it is typed incorrectly, for example pippo#2024/28/12 ... then it will not work because that access has not been created...




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Posté le de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
L. Myson
L. Myson

 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Axel   ... ... ...  But if I configure the date format into the fucntion it's just for a specific population...!!!! If I have french users and UK users, the date format will not be the same... And the function in this case will work just only for one population. not simple   ... you are the one who must set the date suffix in the password in the date format as you want, and it does not affect the nation of the visitor...... ... the password is a string value that you assign individually to authorize access.... ... for example: pass = 123abc; pass =456def; ... etc... ... the same thing applies to the password containing my idea with a date suffix, and for the user it has no meaning, but he can guess that it is a reference to the expiration... ... for example to modify the code with date type (YYYYDDMM): pass = pippo#2024/25/12 ... this pass if valid and if typed correctly in full will work if used before December 25, 2024 ... if it is typed incorrectly, for example pippo#2024/28/12 ... then it will not work because that access has not been created... . ciao .
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Posté le de L. Myson