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Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Replacement files  en

Auteur : Nigel W.
Visité 1087, Followers 1, Partagé 18  

I am editing a whole series of published  slide show photographs.

I am cropping the originals, in most cases, but not altering their file names.

Obviously, when I view the changes I see the newly cropped photos in the edited project.

HOWEVER, when I publish the changes, the web photos remain unchanged.

Of course, the software does not see a change in order to replace the published files so what is a quick way of making the software SEE the changes?

I tried renaming the folder on the PC, saving the project with the missing pictures, then renaming the folder back to its original and saving the project a second time but the published photos are not!

Can you guys think of a quick solution to this, without having to replace all the pictures and starting that particular slide show from scratch? 

Posté le
Samantha M.

Hello Nigel!

Could you please start a new project, add a couple of images and crop them as you did in the previous project, then save and export. After, please open this project again save it once more and export it again in order to understand if it is your first project that is causing the issue or their is something else.
Please keep me informed.
Thank you!

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Posté le de Samantha M.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Will do Samantha.

I've got overheating CPU at moment and "power up" problems so waiting for a technician so will do this soon.

I am not thinking that there is a bug but rather looking for a way to over-write the published files.

I assume I have this anomoly because the software sees the same published file name and does not overwrite it, even though the cropping will have changed its size slightly i.e I am only using the option for "changed files since last publish" which I assume works on the file name, rather than its size?

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Posté le de Nigel W.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Hi Nigel, I hope I have understood your problem, I would not be wrong....sorry for my english....

it happened to me too....  If you rename the new images with the same names as the old images, you will not see the new images. 

Instead if you want to use the old name for the new images, then before making the website's preview, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and simultaneously click Preview in Website. So you should see the new images with the old names.


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Posté le de Giuseppe Guida
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Giuseppe...and thanks for your input.

The cropped photos (saved on themselves in the original directory) DO show as the new cropped ones in Preview, without using CTRL.

It's just that they don't transfer as the new ones on "publishing", probably because I would not be using the option to upload ALL the files...only the new files since last publishing date and I assume the programme only goes on file name, not file size when deciding what is new?

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Posté le de Nigel W.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Nigel DELETE your image folders/files off your server then do a "FULL" upload old son!!



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Posté le de Cheeky Man
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

No way...

Of course I know that this is normally ok but I cannot afford to delete ANYTHING whilst my subscribers are doing their summer blitz of my site.

IN FACT, one doesn't need to delete files off the server as, in a full upload, all are replaced anyway.

Nooo...I need a simpler fix BUT I can get by by relisting the new files (mainly in albums) and then deleting the old references...just that this takes a while.

I STILL have files in the upgrade to deal with sometime i.e replacing them from the upgrade directories to my new directories...can't be bothered to do this yet, though.

Put the coffee on for me Frank!

(Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.)

Answers on a postcard please

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Posté le de Nigel W.