E-mail form / Weblog bug 
Auteur : Robert Van VelzenDear Incomedia
The E-mail form function does not work correct in conjunction with an outstanding weblog message.
This week I have uploaded my first WebsiteX5 version 9 website (www.lavidanueva.nl). On this website I have included a weblog and two E-mail form pages. At first all was working fine, but at a certain moment the E-mail form pages did not send out the E-mail anymore. I found out that it had to do with an outstanding message on the weblog. I have allowed visitors to respond to weblog entries and tested this myself. So I have entered on one of the entries a response message. This message I did not yet acknowledge in the admin area of the website.
As soon as I acknowledged the message of the weblog the E-mail form functioned again. So it looks like there is a bug in the admin program somewhere not allowing new E-mail to be send from the website.
Kind regards
Hello Robert,
could you please report what is the weblog message?
If the email was correctly sent and at some point they stop working I think the problem is related with your hosting provider, please ask them, thank you.
Dear Michele,
The problem is still there and it was now reproduceable. I say was, because I seem to have found a way around it. My website is hosted underwww.encantado.nland I have a redirect fromwww.lavidanueva.nl. If i selected the E-mail option fromwww.lavidanueva.nlInternet explorer 9 does not seem to handle the page call properly. My friend told me it had to do with the way explorer is handling frames. What I did to resolve it was open the e-mail form page in a new page. So in the menu I created an extra layer and then have the layer linked to a non-visible page and open it in a new page instead of over the same page. This seems to work.
You can find the e-mail page on my website under the menu option CONTACT. The website is in Dutch though, so it may take you some time to find it. When you select the CONTACT menu option or either option below it CONTACTGEGEVENS or OP DE HOOGTE BLIJVEN you will find the E-mail form and notice I have opened them in a separate page.
This work around works but it would of course be nice if the html-code generated via Website X5 could handle it
Kind regards
Dear Icomedia,
I just made an e-mail form function but it does'nt work.
It sent HTML crab to the pre-defined e-mail address.
please help (www.hippokartclub.nl)
Kind regards
Ron (*** )
Use your "PREFERENCES" in the opening screen of X5... There are mail script alternatives for the server. Try these too....
I presume that PHP is present on the server and up-to-date?
Also check your ADMIN folder for the "Website Test"
Hello ron,
have you already followed Franky's suggestion? Probably if you change the email script it will work.
Keep us updated.