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Mike P.
Mike P.

Guestbook swamped by hackers  en

Auteur : Mike P.
Visité 2567, Followers 1, Partagé 6  
Mots-clés :: valuespreadsheetfixer

My Guest book gets loads of people trying to put phishing links onto it.

I have it set to require approval before display. However all thisa commercial vandalism has wiped the approved messages.

Other people have made similar complaints in the past so I suspect that if I want to have a usable guestbook I will have to revert to the open source one I used to have.

Posté le
Samantha M.

Hi Mike!
I suggest you update your program then cancel it from your server and upload the entire project again. Please try and let me know.

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Posté le de Samantha M.
Mike P.
Mike P.

Right Samantha

I did that and it is now possible to post to my guest book.

But and what a but, my email "*** " has disappeared, and worse still my web hosts are demanding account verification as though I had never dealt with them. So more grief  just from deleting the folders on the server.


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Posté le de Mike P.
Samantha M.

Hello Mike!

I'm sorry, where did your email disappear from? Could you please attach a screenshot and show me? Thank you!

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Posté le de Samantha M.
Mike P.
Mike P.

Right my web hosts recreated ther standard folder set so that nightmare is over.

Unfortunately every malicious moron in the world manages to post spurious links to my guestbook. Clearly the captcha system is easily defeated by morons. Yes I know I can delete them and they do not appear on the website. However some pro active deterrent is needed to stop them before they post an unapproved link which then needs to be deleted. Could you improve incommedia to establish and record the senders email address and provide a facility on the guest book control panel to refer the sender to their ISP for possible suspension of their service?

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Posté le de Mike P.
Samantha M.

Dear Mike,

thank you for posting your suggestions. Other users have requested this function but if you wish, please feel free to post another idea as well. Our WebSite X5 creators will do their best to improve this function.

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Posté le de Samantha M.