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Mike  Ethier
Mike Ethier

Add rows or lines to a table.  en

Auteur : Mike Ethier
Visité 913, Followers 1, Partagé 0  
Mots-clés :: lines,rows,tables

Unable to add rows to a table. It comes with 2 rows and 2 lines. I can split a cell but I am unable to add any row or lines to the actual table.

Please help.

Posté le
Samantha M.

Dear Mike,

you can enter more columns and rows to your table by clicking on the small icons above your table in the table object. Te blue will add a column/row the red will delete it.
Please have a look at the screenshot I have attached to this post for futher info, tha icons I am talking about are marked in green.
Thank you!

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Posté le de Samantha M.